two questions:
1. Where is Mazila?
2. Why should he bother, why shouldn't the price in the "hum" suit him? Maybe you have accumulated a lot and now you don't like this price? Why exactly 64 saved up, do you like the binary system? And he said that he was going to call the elephant.
He asked not to flood.
O 64 soj by gul ist w PU3R
z.s. Enough already crowing in my topic, I'm sure you know how to create your own. Or call your master at last.
One big mistake, critical. Everyone thinks that the Earth revolves around them or 5 soj. Consult Zhmyshko on this topic: "How to stick Cham Lo Ohm into a ba and drain for 4 Lo"
They are yours, drain it to anyone you want. But everyone considers it their sacred duty to tell me in the game, in the topic or in the chat, the price of cozh. Why, I didn't ask anyone?
I want the Masons not to race among themselves, interrupting each other's prices. And for me personally - on esku.
write to me in the game I will take it away, or we will sign you under yap
I don't sell them. Read the topic name carefully. You don't have the shape of your skull to sign me.
listen, and you are normal posan turns out to be, so coolly the entoma pitukhan answered, I liked it already, such epic phrases were previously posted in quotes))