How do you feel about mirrors?
The mirror in the house is the most mysterious piece of interior, at any time to which people treated with caution, attributing unusual mystical and mysterious properties to the mirror. Nowadays, a mirror is an indispensable tool in everyday life, playing the role of an important element in the interior. It is impossible to imagine our life without mirrors. You may not trust various stories, but the mysticism of mirrors is too clearly attracting attention to itself in many strange cases to be overlooked. Scientists believe that a mirror, like any object, has its own aura that cannot be seen. One mirror emits a positive glow and the other a negative one. So what do the mirrors bring us - good or bad? Is it possible, contrary to the saying, to blame the mirror, or is it not worth doing? Despite, that today the mirror has become one of the main attributes of the modern interior, it is in every home and any public space, be it a school, a beauty salon, a shop, a hospital, etc., many signs and beliefs are associated with the mirror, in which people still for now they believe and try not to joke with him. There are even rules for placing mirrors in an apartment. A mirror is a tool that should be used with caution, as not all of its properties are clear and understandable.Spoiler
I would like to know the opinion - what is this ... ???
Is it just an object created by humanity?
Or mystical stuff?
mirrors last pitch century. you hang up a bathtub, the largest apple tablet with a direct camera, and he shoots you on the camera and then broadcasts you to the miter plasma. and if you put a lot of cameras and screens, you can comb your bald patches in the most mystical projections. and also from there nanoposons can descend.
There is no need for nano-mirrors in the bedroom, because they reflect light and increase the luminosity of the room and you can catch all sorts of glare from the window. this is only good if there are no windows in the room. by putting a couple of mirrors, you can save on lighting.
smaller guys, stare at the mirrors! I looked to see if there was a pimple on my nose, and went on through my life boldly !!
Bloody Mary lives in the mirror, and therefore I do not like mirrors. There are also beliefs that if the mirrors stand opposite each other, then this is also something bad. Although from my infancy and until the age of 18, mirrors stood like this, and nothing happened) However, I do not attach much importance to mirrors. And about some kind of aura ... scientists have auras everywhere. For example, scientists believe that a poltergeist appears depending on a person's aura, or rather a child, and with the help of unconscious energy, a child "takes revenge" on others with impunity. And this aura is created due to upbringing. And depending on the upbringing, and we have just a bad upbringing (not conniving, but bad with unreasonable beatings, shouts, etc.), we get a suppressed psyche that requires relaxation, and as long as it does not discharge, then it comes out not through the person himself, but through objects. But that's just a theory with these ... auras. I personally consider the mirror to be an important attribute in order to sometimes look into it and understand how you look. And to give it a special mystical meaning ... well, nafig, I will still sleep badly)
The second self lives in the mirror. I know this because when I come up and look in the mirror, I see that he is also looking at me. I can sit for hours and play with my second self in "who will blink first." I usually win and he blinks first.
We need accurate scientific research and video evidence of any anomalous phenomena associated with the mirror. Individual stories of some eyewitnesses who saw devils, diablo and orcs from mirrors cannot be taken into account.
I don’t deny the flying saucers in your kitchen .. but I don’t believe that they fly by themselves) I would like to see for a start. And not at the performance of another illusionist ...
One sage was asked:
- Why are the poor more affable and less stingy than the rich?
- Look out the window, what do you see?
- I see how the children play in the yard.
- Now look in the mirror. What do you see there?
- Myself.
- You see. Both the window and the mirror are made of glass, but if you add a little silver, you only see yourself ...
I never thought of it as something more than a simple thing. It happened in early childhood, staring and trying to figure out why the right hand is on the right, and not the left. It seemed that the visual image was presented in reverse, I can't even imagine why. But under the influence of such feelings, you can come up with a lot of tales, about an avenging grandmother or looking through the looking glass.
SpoilerDestruction, deception, change ...
Am I deaf? or died?
Is this a link?
Or just rusted streets,
Or is something terrible looming?
It will hurt you more than me.
I am weak, a week, and I am weak.
Don't run away from me, I won't. It's
annoying to count "One, two, three ..."
I don't know how I like myself,
I don't see the reflection.
I show myself how to make a noose,
Shooting is corny, with a razor too ...
I'm not just a dead man - I'm a dummy,
Woven from scars and filled with my old wounds ...
You have no idea what I'm going to do to you ...
I have no reflection ...
My attitude is quite positive, who, if not it, will say and show the truth about ourselves))) well, at least as we want it))))
We live in a real world, not a fabulous one. I suppose that there is something lofty, incomprehensible to our minds - since the Universe has been studied by a maximum of 0.0000000000000000001% - but for mirrors to have something else besides the property of reflection, this is pure nonsense, which can only be believed by very religious fanatics.
The mirror is one of the key magic tricks that made Copperfield famous. And other funny and not so shit.
If a scientist believes that the mirror has some kind of aura, then it is not a scientist, but a charlatan. Well, or just an ignoramus who considers himself dofiga smart and special.
Well, a scientist can believe anything, for example, that in the center of the Earth there is a dense iron ball that is constantly rotating and creates a force of gravity on the surface of the planet ... Is it scientific? Yes, sort of like, there are calculations and stuff blah blah blah. What about the facts? Alas, they are not, there is only an assumption that there is a core inside the Earth. And everyone just resigned themselves to it. Well, or almost all 8) There are scientists - yes, it is scientists, well, these are, excuse me, who calculate and count .. there are those who are sure that there are huge cavities in the lithosphere of the Earth, where anything can be. Some even believe that the principles of gravity are changed there (reverse thrust, from the center of the planet). Now tell me, how is such an opinion fundamentally different from the official one? ;]
Faith is everywhere. It's just that in science they are busy with calculations, but in religions they are not.
A.Soldier of Light,
for example, that in the center of the Earth there is a dense iron ball that rotates forever and creates a force of gravity on the surface of the planet ... Is it scientific?
The force of attraction is created not by the core, but by the entire mass of the planet. And the existing assumptions about the core are scientific, because they stem from certain knowledge, and not from inventions out of the blue.
Yes, sort of like, there are calculations and stuff blah blah blah. What about the facts?
Indirect calculations can coincide with the experimentally obtained data up to many decimal places. In the case of the core of the planet, it is difficult to verify this, but this does not mean that the calculations from this become equal to someone's arbitrary fantasies.
And everyone just resigned themselves to it.
If this were so, the sciences about the structure of the planet would have disappeared long ago. Here is a bit of information about experiments on kernel modeling:
Well, now tell me, how is this opinion fundamentally different from the official one?
The fact that it contradicts well-established facts about gravity.
Faith is everywhere. It's just that in science they are busy with calculations, but in religions they are not.
There is no faith in science from the word "absolutely". There are conclusions that are drawn from observations and calculations. If new data appears that does not fit into the existing theory, a new, more general theory is developed. In this, science fundamentally differs from religion, although the latter, with a strong delay, nevertheless recognizes some properties of the world established by science.
And in religions, what calculations can be, if even the very idea of ​​the existence of God is not falsifiable? An experiment cannot be carried out that would prove that there is no God. Since his omnipotence is postulated, then absolutely any phenomenon can be considered as his activity.
By sabzh: mirrors are associated with mysticism due to the fact that they appeared a long time ago, when a person did not yet have sufficient knowledge about the world and was inclined to see the supernatural in what he could not explain, and mirrors look unusual, still perfectly reflecting in nature surfaces are not found, and this feature made an impression. Subsequently, the prejudices caused by the lack of knowledge were entrenched in the culture and thus survived to this day. Actually, this principle applies to a lot of things. When an idea becomes an essential part of a culture and lives in it for a long time, it begins to seem that it is true.
A.Soldier of Light wrote:
in the center of the Earth there is a dense iron ball,
Inside the Earth there is another Earth, only a little bigger.
And the existing assumptions about the core are scientific, because they stem from certain knowledge, and not from inventions out of the blue.
Quite right, there is a scientific basis. But there are no facts, there are only calculations. Nobody saw the nucleolus;] And this is not God to just believe, is it? 8)
It is impossible to carry out an experiment that would prove that there is no God.
It is good that there are people who admit it 8) So let the materialists not deny, for denial requires just a clear result of such an unreal experiment. Otherwise, a materialist is no better than a fanatic of religion.
And what about the stories that someone saw how something crawled out of the mirror, etc.? Crawled out, frightened, injured the observer (!) And disappeared into the darkness when the observer turned on the light in the room (there was only one candle in front of the mirror)? Consider it a fairy tale? ;]