NPC lips do not move (Tom Clancy's The Division)
Hello everyone, actually the question is in the title. When you approach an NPC to accept / surrender a mission, there is no facial expression during the conversation, how to fix it?Perc: i5-3370
Memory: 16GB
Video: Asus Strix r9 390 8gb The
settings are set at 90-95% of the ultra.
in no way, everyone has it, only lips move on the rollers in the game itself
Either you have the same problem, or my friends lied to me. I asked them (there are 2 of them), they said that everything was fine, but they both had cards from nvidia. Then today I will clarify.
I have an Invid card, nothing jerks, this is not about the graphics of the map, they just developed it
I have such a problem, but with only one single npc, a woman that gives out on the main base of pollock. All other norms. This is just a bug, they will fix it.
and this has to do with it? Are there no bugs in other games?
Oleg Bervinov
There are. But guess, in which developer's games I first met them?
You still take a closer look when your Persian is dead, his eyes are closed and there is a grimace of pain.
And the report here will certainly. What is the UG division.
I haven’t played it myself yet, but I can assume that in the Russian localization of the curve it is lip-sync. Try English voice acting.