The Hunger Games. (Diablo 2)
A fan tournament is being organized.
-Mode: hardcore.
-Format: TvT.
-Location: it was decided to change the location, it will be announced after the players confirm their readiness to participate.
-Character level: 9.
-Rules: no items (absolutely nothing, no charms, no jewelry) and potions, completed only 4 acts of NORMAL (all quests with skills and stats are allowed (! Anya is not allowed!)).
-Condition of victory: the prize fund goes to the team of the last survivor.
-Prize: softcore drone.
Registration is open since the publication of this message. From the first 6 people, 3 teams will be formed in random order. From all subsequent applications, a queue of reserve participants will be formed.
Create mules on separate accounts (to comply with the rules, I will need access to them).
Channel: Date: Sunday 20:00 Moscow time.
To be honest, as I found out the moderators have the ability to see the inventory and items, and Pirya agreed to help us with our idea, for which a special thanks to him.
List of main participants:
1 Dosmotr
2 meganom
3 d00m3d
4 yok0o
5 TheXX
6 trueshin
One hour before the event, you need to confirm your willingness to participate. A separate chat channel will be created for this. If one of the participants is not ready, other players will be placed.
List of substitutes:
1 ixdon.
2 KISfly.
If you are not included in the list of main contributors, do not think that your efforts to create a character were in vain. There will be more tours, everyone will be able to participate.
haven't decided on the location yet?
Dobermn 4) TVT on fists makes no sense, what is there a teamplay, 4 beavers swing with a clamped paintwork until they die. And even without that, no fund is also divided into two - well, why not? I don't have a barb. and what, to break the rumble into 2 ista is not an option?
Pavel Abakumov
If one of the participants is not ready, other players will be put on.
Are you churning them out or what? :)
for such a prize fund, I would be too lazy to even pump up to lvl 9, and they also say a freemason. If only anix would give chtoli for the victory !!! -)
kibor_g, it's about getting the fan, not the prize. :-)
Pavel Abakumov, you ma $ he, monsieur? =)
Not well with this approach, it's not here. The prize is purely symbolic, no one is just going to make you rich.
Pavel Abakumov,
but is there any kind of underground tote? mb there it is possible to get rich !!! -)