Do you believe in 777 or 666?
Do you believe in the magic of numbers? ))They say 777 is happy, and 666 is the other way around.
Che decided to ask such a topic ..
Here is what I just captured:
It's not casual, you have to go to the casino ..))))
In general, I don't believe in numbers) I was born a pancake on Friday February 13th ...
911 - Da Best)))
and what is the meaning of the topic? Do we believe it or not? when how and under what circumstances ...
I do not believe. : 3
I'm not superstitious at all, I'm very, very skeptical about any other bullshit.
you know, for example, I was born in August on Friday the 13th and no one died, or anything broke everything is ok.
so I don't believe.
Hmm, some kind of nonsense ... But what exactly to believe? similar to what people who believe in it describe. If so, then I believe in 69, heh ... Our school often met this number: ambulance number 69, the price of chips is 69 rubles (and 3 times in different stores! ), the license plate number of a gazelle with a shit for a cafeteria 769.69 books in a box in the library, 69 points in the Olympiad (in mathematics, it seems ... there were no 71), 69 rubles in a coupon for [food] shit in the cafeteria (yes, yes, at us food on coupons!), etc. ... Also, the sight of a police car with an eomer of 1488 (really!) But what would that mean something ... I don't think it's more than a coincidence.