Do you believe in 777 or 666?
Do you believe in the magic of numbers? ))They say 777 is happy, and 666 is the other way around.
Che decided to ask such a topic ..
Here is what I just captured:
It's not casual, you have to go to the casino ..))))
I do not believe! but if I have to choose between 777 and 666, I'll still give preference to 777.
You don’t understand anything on fire ...
Explain the meaning of the phrase, otherwise I don’t understand something))
And when I passed the exams, I was sitting at the desk under number 13 ... Well, nothing, I passed;)
"Do you believe in 777 or 666?"
Of course I believe! 777 is a number between 776 and 778, and 666 is between 665 and 667. How can you not believe that? I can even specially count and put in separate bags, for example, 666 and 777 grains of rice, in order to prove the existence of these numbers visually.
Numerology and different messages in numbers ... More likely no than yes. The reason for this is the huge number of charlatans. Although interpretations of some points are not excluded. However, as in most pseudosciences.
They say 777 is happy, and 666 is the other way around.
Specifically in these numbers? People who have 777 on their license plates tend to hide behind high fences from the rest and are not particularly happy. Although everyone has a different idea about this case.
I believe in numbers 7.62, 5.45, 11.43, 9x39 ... also 1.0004
Vanya Rygalov
Lol, Yandex gives funny links to these numbers, but no, it's just my account number here.