Drop (Diablo 2)
For 2 weeks in a row I have been running the mefa, 80-100 races a day and have not seen anything cooler than a wiper: = (Is this really simple bad luck? oculus shako ... O_oIf I'm not mistaken, here on the forum somewhere there was a similar topic, they also complained about the drop. ?
@ Thureny
Do you really believe in what you write?
But with a drop, the dynamic component is also taken into account. It is not indicated anywhere in any characteristics of gear and enchantment. This is a formula inherent in the gameplay, more precisely a function, a function of many variables. That's how it turns out ... One wrote his conjectures, abundantly supported by a large number of buzzwords (the more, the better), the other read it somewhere .... And then it turns out that if you scratch the right egg with your left heel a second before killing the mob, there will be an improved drop! How did you find out the presence of the dynamic component? How did you find out that it only affects unics? Curious ....
I'll see what happens, maybe the whole set will fall out, except for one thing, the last one, and you will look for it a lot of time, and if you go in another class and run a little, look, then voila, it will fall out, how is that? )) This is the law of meanness, colleague. No need to look for hidden meaning / riddles, etc. where they are simply not there ...
To Roofless
You can, of course, not believe me, this is everyone's personal business. Someone might say that this is nonsense, "button accordion", etc. I, in fact, expected such a reaction.
There are a lot of subtleties and patterns in D2. Most of the players in D2 do not know anything about them, and do not even suspect about their existence. Malinoviy is great. He notices the necessary features (although he is not the first). And "you" pounced on him and haite: what kind of storyteller you are. I wrote one example of such a pattern.
You can not believe me and him, you can pour a large amount of a bad-smelling mass. But the fact will still remain the fact.
+1 then Thureny.
then RoofLess and you look at Blizzard's games ... They're just gushing with examples and formulas ... Here, if you have two higher ones, one of which is in mathematics, you will not want to think about such regularities, there is even such a thing as mathematical statistics, which and allows such things to be analyzed. Learn, it is never too late to learn, and you will have a lot of money. (C)
who can show me the game code? And show the exact formula for calculating the mf? Blizzard are not simple guys, and they did a lot of time for the second, they had time to write a bunch of functions and think about how everything should work. I just may not be right, but I have not seen the code, and I cannot approve.
Well, the mechanisms of drop and penalty kicks on the MF were torn out of the game code, and then they were also tested by experiments with editing tables.
And it was not at all done by the method of profound observations of two cases of a random drop set.
Well, about randomness - in order to make some conclusions about the fall / non-fall of parts of the TR set for a forty in a single - you must first pick up at least 10 TR armors with this forty, and only then count how many tens of TR sticks, amules and belts were given to this forty.
It is noteworthy that at every D2 forum such "observant" types appear at an enviable frequency, which announce that they have found a regular drop and Arkaine's Valor will now fall at every 30th wound. However, for some reason, soj and DF do not become anymore from this, and the economy of the game does not collapse, and this allows us to assert: chatter about the patterns in the drop is still chatter.
There is tabular data, there is a random number generator, and there is an intangible concept called simply "luck". Everything else is a figment of the imagination of losers and noobs.
The time to comprehend this fact will come when, looking at the fallen TP armor, you will feel not joy, but annoyance.
Well, the mechanisms of the drop and the penalty kick on the MF were torn out of the game code, and then they were also tested by experiments with editing tables.
And it was not at all done by the method of profound observations of two cases of a random drop set. Go first try the code yourself, disassemble, and then speak. The fact of the matter is that Diablov's tables TC and MC are a regular database with relational links, and the counting mechanism itself is already in the code. I'll see how you count the registers ah + bx, those who are familiar with assembler will understand me that this is a titanic work, and more than sure that this mechanism has not been fully calculated. Though it's up to you, think what you want. :)
then Nabob, and I see you are lucky for TR armor, and they don’t buy it, right? :) you say the economy is not collapsing, why would it collapse if the fathers of the arch are selling to akare, and instead of collecting forti? I didn’t ask anyone, an arch and not such an expensive thing .. from mind to ist (average) why is it going to collapse? Even if there are many of them, the armor is not universal, many classes refuse it, many players already have better equipment than the arch. Damn economists. Are you watching the market here? Do you conduct the course of the mind in the context of days - weeks? :) Let's not throw mud at each other, what are the children? I gave my thoughts, not even my own, so the facts, observations, taken away by me, I said that I could be wrong. So I'll just say that I have level 98 litter in a single, version 1.10, for which TP has not been assembled, I played it since the release of 1.10, this is not a short time, and up to lvl 98 you understand it's not easy to get it, in a single all the more, I used bots, and I did not take tsiferki from the bulldozer, although I am crucifying here ... Count as you like ... Although the truth is born in a dispute. Guys - thanks for the opposition.
Malinoviy, you and I are like these, you know, Giordano Bruno and Galilei Galileo during the Inquisition. Already, the most funny))))).
At the expense of disassembling, you are absolutely right. This is a really big job. I noticed similar patterns back in version 1.09. Then, somehow, out of nothing to do, I disassembled a couple of .dlls from D2 and could not associate certain values ​​of the stack with the data of .mpq files. It took me about 2 weeks to analyze. Only then I realized about the inherent function.
Malinoviy, understand, all those who deny it all do not know (or know poorly) calculus and computer science (programming in particular), so it makes no sense for them to prove anything.
Malinoviy, understand, all those who deny this all do not know (or know poorly) calculus and computer science (programming in particular), so it makes no sense for them to prove anything.
And they eat badly, and suckers also write.
There is a question about the mechanics of the game. Naturally, a lot is based on regularities, but to argue about "what the closest wanted" is no less stupid than to reproach others that they cannot cite specific data from the code. Can you? On the softcore ladder playground, my amka was 98 leveled, it got a lot of tal rasha armors, a lot of arches, a couple of nightwing, but not a single df'a, but this does not mean that dfs do not fall. This means that, by chance, I did not have a chance to knock out item with a drop chance of 1: 100000. If you are so strong in math and computer science (programming in particular), it's time to think about the theory of probability.
Lermett, guy, I can easily give up my words, it's not difficult for me, let it be your way, why cheese boron, because of such trifles, let it be luck, let it be a static probability of MF. So let it be. In general, I just brought my facts, which I immediately omitted .. It's your business, Baron. But the same Galileo, based only on observations, made the conclusion that the earth is a ball. And one mathematician, who studied the behavior of birds, pigeons, and fish, made discoveries in the field of economic theory that turned the world of economics, but he was a schizophrenic, and Newton generally fell on his head, and Tesla was blasted by lightning, :), Einstein thought a lot about atoms, and Billy Gates learned to program with both hands with his eyes closed, :) but this is not about that, but that Blizzard is great, they made a truly unique game of its kind, it is already in the Guinness Book of Records,
then DRF, I don't remember anymore, look for articles on the Internet according to the MF's count, if you are interested in moving in this direction, if you just want to postebatsya, you are on the bash org, and I found information on some German site where there are detailed reports of people with calculations and formulas of various characteristics. I can't give a link, because when I searched again I could not find ...
Malinoviy, many more examples can be cited when the "invention of the bicycle" was reduced to the utopianism of the idea. Naturally breeding a stench is not a good idea, but you insist on it. In any case, without facts, this is empty chatter. There will be facts - there will be a conversation :)
Yes fikh with him, with the facts, let it be in your opinion, I just brought my thoughts to a general discussion. Let it be yours, I will reduce my actions to similar actions by Giordano Bruno. I give up my words. :) You guys are great. You are dad, and I am a pathetic nubishko. :) Congratulations.
I will reduce my actions to similar actions of Giordano Bruno
i.e. to burning ?! : D
Well, for information - Giordano Bruno never gave up his teachings. refused galileo :)
although seriously, I read somewhere that it seems that some things cannot fall out in one game 2 times from two different mobs (for example, soj),
all unique ones fall no more than 1 time per game
and there are patterns, of course,
if you average the drop after after at least 10 pieces of each item fall, then the number of dropped items will roughly correspond to the chance of their drop from the tables (probably, although it is difficult to check it - it takes a long time), and for shorter periods of time this statistics does not come out
what you call random is actually some kind of complex dependence, which (most likely) in theory gives an even distribution of the result over a very large number of experiments, and within tens of thousands of wounds on someone it can behave as you like naturally, including , which can be seen
from the enchantment depends (not only on the chance of mf)
on the order in which to kill mobs - the drop also depends - if two mobs are swapped, the initial data for calculating the drop for them will get the other way around (but not the drop itself - the second part of the data depends on the mob itself and it will not change, as a result, it turns out that the gear fell out of another)
only this can hardly help better mfit, the dependencies are not fixed and become noticeable after the races are done, and the next time they will be different, it seems to me impossible to predict
THAT DRF, and yes sorry, confused these two personalities, you see, I, like any person, tend to be wrong. :) Everyone remained unconvinced.
mnu has fallen in general mf 87 and the norms of gear are falling. (monarch ss, bk5)
all unics fall no more than 1 time per game,
I think I read this in the SoJ FAQ - a hefty document on finding soj, that's why I wrote about it :)
Drop is an incomprehensible thing, a bot in a single runs on a pindle every night for a week in a row and not a single rare set, and sometimes rare unique, the game has not been modified. It was 450+, then I lowered it to 330+ and nothing changed at all, can someone explain this?
But I'm wondering if the statement -> all unics fall no more than 1 time per game is true, and for example, I have all uni rings except SOJ and BK, and I "threw" them near the blade of grass, how will the game behave? Will it be considered that they are thrown away and will not be thrown away anymore, and will either SOJ or BK be dropped? Or as usual?