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victorzh 12.11.21 11:11 pm

GTA Online Gathering / Event Date: 06 February 2016 (Grand Theft Auto 5)

A few months ago, here, on the forum, a company was gathering - the guys laid the route and arranged a motor rally around the island. We made stops, took pictures. Then they even posted pictures here. Unfortunately, I did not fit in - I learned about the event late.
Nobody's up to something like this again? It would be great to take a leisurely ride around the island in good company.
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victorzh 12.11.21

Added to the list.

Everyone is kindly requested to check their SocialClub nicknames (see the spoiler in the main post). Some of them were not indicated either in the topic or in the profile on the PG, and it is not yet clear by which nickname to invite to SocialClub.
Those who are my friends in SocialClub, I will invite myself - I have already marked them in the list. For the rest, I ask the participants of the pokatushek to unsubscribe - if they are already friends with someone, I ask you to take on the invitation. For my part, I will remind you of each person from the list by voice and / or in the game chat already during the gathering in the session, so that no one will forget anyone.

Ragraman 12.11.21

Stas Mirza added, probably through him I will be invited

Stas mirza 12.11.21

Add to victorzh just in case

tuman31 12.11.21

I play on gamepad-e, can anyone know how to activate voice communication?
do not offer xpadder, during the game the laptop is closed - the keyboard is not available, because I play on TV via HDMI.

Provodnik05 12.11.21

I'll try to participate. I will be able to invite a couple more adequate drivers. Nick: M-GADGI.

_DooM_ 12.11.21

It seems in no way without an emulator.

And yes, I hope that those who will use voice communications will make sure in advance that their equipment is in good working order, for they do not want to hear interference and heartbreaking sounds.

Giggs17 12.11.21

Ready to participate, nickname in the Social Club ctpeko3etc17

tuman31 12.11.21

well, I ask you to understand and forgive me, I will try to activate the microphone in the game with a voice, but due to the fact that the laptop is closed, as my friends say, the effect of a bathroom is created), maybe someone has a desire to make a conversation in skype (just skype, I can run it on my phone )

sorry for the offtopic, I'll just write in fatter, so that it was clearer:

I want to suggest at the end of the gathering (optional), choose a place or in movement with the participation of any technique, arrange a tough sadoma, enmity, bacchanalia, madness .. call it what you want - against LS police & Army

victorzh 12.11.21

I see someone missed most of the posts in the topic. Maybe it's better to honestly and openly write here what you don't like? There are still 2 days before the rides, and if there is constructive criticism, we will have time to take it into account.

I will add all those who unsubscribed to the list in the evening.

For those who will play with a microphone, please set in advance in the voice chat settings "for all" instead of "for friends" for the duration of the ride. The availability of transport, by the way, would also suggest putting "for everyone" for the duration of the rides.

MiGamer86 12.11.21

This proposal does not fit into the concept of our meeting.
If you want sodom and bacchanalia - go to any free session, there is a lot of it.

Never mind.

tuman31 12.11.21

I wrote at the end and wish

Stas mirza 12.11.21

victorzh Do
not worry Vit- how many people have so many opinions. Great respect to you for taking on this heavy organizational burden, I am sure that those who are really into the topic of pokatushki will like it)

victorzh 12.11.21


If you don’t want to miss the rides - urgently enter your nicknames in SocialClub.

MiGamer86 12.11.21

Write down another nickname Severarkh
I invited a friend.

victorzh 12.11.21


Stas mirza 12.11.21

Will friends be able to enter through me?

MiGamer86 12.11.21

I'm wondering what the plan will be in case there are more than 30 people?
According to my observations, already with 28 players, the server starts to display a message that the session is completely full.

Stas mirza 12.11.21

The plan is called "who got up first and sneakers"))

victorzh 12.11.21

It's good that you remembered this! I keep recruiting people, as if the session was rubber - I completely forgot about the limit ... I

propose the following plan:
First, we will gather in the session those who have unsubscribed here, our friends from the Social Club, for the time being we do not invite. Still, this is primarily a gathering of people with PG. Unsubscribed in this thread, if we take the maximum, is recruited 20 people (see the list - 19 nicknames plus me).
Two from the list have not yet indicated their nicknames in SC, and if they do not indicate until tomorrow, we will not be able to invite them - already 18 people. Plus, I'm pretty sure someone still won't come from the unsubscribed. But even if everyone comes to the maximum - 20 people in the session are usually still normal.
Further, if there is such a quantity, let's see how it will be with the server lags. We can ride (while the collection time is still running) around the square. Legion - let's see who is freezing / twitching, etc. If everything is ok, we will invite selectively 3 more people, already from social club friends. Again, not all friends will be online, etc. We repeat the test for lags / friezes. If everything is ok, we invite you again. We repeat up to 30 people or messages about the completion of the session.

Stas Mirza
Well, or so :) (but in fact it really will be so - there is not a single beautiful plan that can withstand a collision with harsh reality).

By the way, I want to warn everyone about the following observation: it was noticed, and not only by me, that the new Sultan RS, obviously due to the high degree of detail in the appearance and interior, load the game. Several RS Sultans riding nearby begin to "freeze" the gameplay to all players. Given that we have a free choice of cars, and the crowd will go, I would suggest, for the sake of smoothness of the collective gameplay, not to take the Sultans of the RS. Hopefully nobody minds - in light of the above information?

Stas mirza 12.11.21

I agree and I hope that the majority will still arrive on lowriders