Ser Gregor
21.11.21 09:41 pm
What associations do you have with the word playground.ru
I personally have a gloomy bearded guy with a minigun who makes apocalyptic digests every week, blowing my head off with just one mention. Of course, he has lads, the same reckless Rambo brothers, and there must be an immortal dog from Fallout 4 (as without it). They master the skill of parkour to perfection, get together every night and save the world from glitches and lags (no matter how hilarious it sounds). Be sure to wear super combat suits from Pegue Industries.28 Comments
As I understand from the latest events and topics - that the Boltalku was squeezed out ... Everywhere they are people of H.
Sergey Zakharenko
It depends on which section of the site:
If the section is files, then it is an association with a trash heap.
If blogs are with a dull copy-paste.
If the news is with a bunch of sloops.
If the gallery is with porn.
1st association: A bunch of shkoloty who do not know how to use Google; 2nd: A lot of shit.
PS: The author is a schoolboy who dreams of making his favorite game come true ...