The wife is crying, baby
Don't know what to say, where to seek advice. We are a young family, got married two and a half years ago. Recent months, the wife begs to have a baby. When trying to explain that so far, every time she is in tears. I'm not against children, but before that we need to stand up. Also, in addition to the material side of the question, we need to be sure that you will be able to raise a child, but I honestly do not consider myself a Mature person, and wife. As they say, are still children, not fully grown mind. But it is pointless to explain all this, she still cry and cry.To show an example of the other families and show what comes out of it or to imagine a situation and think what would happen next.
This is a very abstract input data. What, for example, means they themselves are still children, not fully grown mind ? You are 15 years old or what? And how do you plan to strengthen the mind? Higher education to one another? Or just sit and wait for wisdom will come with age? I can just say that, most likely, age will come one. It is the same with by standing on your feet. If you get a hundred, and a couple of years of hard work will reach two hundred, it makes sense to wait. But if you are sitting on five hundred dollars, and a basic working version of your future life sounds like everything will be alright, in this issue, too, in General, nothing to wait for.
Ask for what purpose it is needed. If you are not watching TV, not sitting on the Internet, it is possible, otherwise it's flawed, and the goal is not her own and was, as all of the subjects.
And in the future from a wife(TV viewer or Internet the wearer) will have problems because bad. Books is harmful, you need to watch that reads.
If the wife worked three years, then for the first time on maternity leave for a child should be enough (stroller,crib, changing table).If it doesn't work, don't even try to agree.
Well,well,overalls 5-7T R, orthopedic you sandals 4200-4400р,boots 5-7T R. Beanies from 1800r.My wife is online trying to order with salonami.But the school has collected senior, took about 40кило
There are still wprint:take b/baby stuff.Have friends or acquaintances if things are in good condition.My wife is one of my classmate a lot of things leaked in the mail for girl.And that family in turn, this saved
What issues will come to the gaming forum. Very good place for questions on your personal life. Oh well...
Roerich wrote:
it is too early
Not to marry early and to have children early. Like, one does not have to be separable from the other.
Roerich wrote:
but before that we need to stand up
And married you lying? Or were you asleep? And that your feet? This is when you will buy Lexus, five and ten villas in the Canary Islands? Open secret, in material terms, the child is not so expensive as it is love to tell some usually childless personality well, or, less often, the supporters that children should grow up in a consumer Paradise from an early age.
Roerich wrote:
in this sense, consider yourself a Mature man, and wife. As they say, are still children, not fully grown mind.
During the marriage, you still slept. As with infantilism in the head to take such a serious step is very dangerous, not only in terms of having children, but to further the preservation of the family. And it is your wait till you grow up it looks cute, because it is impossible to grow if there was no will to it. And of course the child responsibility you can't teach (just look at the number broshenok)...if the germ of the same will not again. And to cultivate it through the Internet have not yet learned, so what some motivational trash talking for the sake do not help, despite the huge number of these. What to already did an adult step, but admitted that themselves mentally still a child - this usually does not lead to anything good. So, I can only wish good luck and a situation that will force you to reconsider your attitude.
Try to arrange for her test: Wake up every two hours at night, cry to something did (the child in the first months sleeping in fits and starts). All bad habits, and just to sit with her friends - forget - the mother needs to be with the child.
If about money: offer her first together to accumulate capital, sufficient to take care of a kid for 20 years (to have senior year of high school was, and pay for COLLEGE don't forget, what if the budget is not received, and the limit all reduce), if a small SN it - let him seek another job or part-time work, and you too. If you can do it - Yes, you should have children, if not, run away, and to hell with her... So she doll like the talking, not the child.
I wonder You are from Russia. In Russia a million reasons not to have them, I think these child haters, people who hate them so much that I wish the children of the backward medicine, absolutely substandard products, pitiful salary, no pension, wretched education, a kilometre-long queue in kindergartens and schools, a bleak future, as well as expensive loans, mortgages that are paid eternity, surrounded by violent xenophobes. NO! Children very sorry, the poor, and because they absorb the horror. And I'm not talking about the lack of a good workplace.
There are other topics to discuss, such as: reproduction - animal instinct, the weak give up - multiply and multiply, pointless, stupid. You can discuss the question of hormones, in any case, there is something to discuss, and know how it works, it is easier to understand and to resist.
Generally, before children start, you need to have a hamster, then a cat, dog, two dogs, read the instructions for use and operation kids. To produce an empty offspring may every creature, but to cultivate a person - UNITS.
I have a lot of claims to his own, including imposed. Personally, I'm not having rose-colored glasses, to start planning to evacuate to a developed country, do not want my children to study in Russian schools is disgusting, do not want to be treated in hospitals where they say - this is all wrong, if we say, for the kilometer-long queues, etc., I myself is a curse, not as lucky. More support for childfree life for yourself, not to waste time on kids, life is so short, and there is no sense, especially here where there is no freedom of personality, new people are not needed and even harmful (NO money for people here nothing and do NOTHING). Evacuate in developed countries, arranges, and then think.
I'm 26, wife 27. I have a salary of 38 thousand. Wife works part time she 12.
So the more, let out for a full day. Less time to think about the garbage. And such SN child to raise possible, but difficult. From region to region, of course, depends, but with 50 pieces and one is not enough, and then for three, and one will require more rest (food, diapers, etc. are now very expensive)...
A woman can understand....they have a tacit notion of late...she's very afraid. In 27 years of the first it for them later.... I think you should talk to her and decide what's acceptable to you and necessary condition for the birth of children, and how soon, and how you can achieve this. I am sure what is most needed is attainable in a year or two... do not care, and her clock is ticking. The longer you pull, the higher the chance to have down with a bunch of pathologies, which strangle, you can not, and therefore will either beg for surgery vegetable, or you'll freak out and run away, or she'll escape. Again, I suppose the worst of her friends saw, they say Cho no? and I Ms. Kaag people! Gave a Bunny, and give the lawn...or will not, so it was necessary for oligom tycoon...out in Short, if you insist, but she must, you have a reason to leave. And it has time, and not ratesrates up jointly acquired a little go and child support don't pay lucky.
Creator premudrij themes that early and not Mature.Why to create a family man?So says only a coward , not a man.
You can find out what city, and what profession you have received higher education, and as you try with it held in your life? Just in locations where I come from, for example, in people with normal education and some abilities (thought that may well be attached using only one crust, without the mind, deeply misguided) are all quite good, and jobs for them are, and the money, and consequently medicine is good for them, and in the schools their children attend are good. No, the country certainly has a lot of problems, but the main problem of all those who have problems in themselves. People have not moved away from the Soviet paradigm, in which all throw the same pittance, but, but and strain is not necessary. Now the rules have changed a little - strain is necessary. And with regards to your dreams on the theme of the help, forced to upset you - there rules are exactly the same: you have to be able and want to do something, only for newcomers it would be even harder, so don't quite understand why you, if I understand correctly, I can not find a place here, but I think that it will find you there.
Oh, well then I understand your wife perfectly, or rather, I understand her body. Of course the term late, which was previously awarded giving birth over the age of 25, not in the course, however, the phenomenon itself has not disappeared. For example, look at the exponential increase in the likelihood of down syndrome in women older than 25. Another point - the birth is a huge stress for the mother's body, but with age is becoming harder to bring your body back to normal, and your wife, I'm sure, would like to stay slim and beautiful after giving birth. Of course, with modern medicine, there are opportunities to mitigate most of the risks, but it's, you know - large attachments. In short, when the hormones (as one our interlocutor above) women are beginning to sound the alarm, little choice - either make the child and twist or ancient genetic instructions will whisper to your wife that you need to look for someone who is willing. So, you need not to wait, and just basically decide you need it or not. But wait, I don't know, as a career, but certainly with age, exactly nothing.
It's not quite the unspoken the concept ofyears before the 80s it was quite formal, the term vowel, which is indicated in the medical documents of birth. But giving birth became much hysteria on this account, so to use it officially ceased, but the mood of the doctors, of course, has not changed.
Roerich wrote:
I'm 26, wife 27
not played enough in Igori what? or what's the problem?
although partly I agree with VOVAN WOLFом, do not give birth and you will rid the world of another down Buhara podlednogo, daring gopura, fat, lazy Internet Troll who will suck all the funds from the parents until they die.
For women child, it's happiness.
For men responsibility.
You're afraid as it is understandable.
Roerich wrote:
don't know who to talk to, where to seek advice
That is the advice from anon are you okay? Friends in real life not?
bazilews wrote:
and will be called Let them talk...
Let loose, to be precise 8) Forum themes same -)
muromez wrote:
they have a tacit notion of late...
But they is the rule for the whole world or some parts of it?...
If you take a look at how in the world the single mothers, and how many men in a similar status, then you immediately becomes clear that women are to his happiness added responsibility much more often than men that responsibility upon yourself. However, even in prozvanivaya unit of society, the irresponsible mother of the future child is questionable.