Worth to buy? (NieR: Automata)
They say that there is what a fucking mega appenny story. I will take on the ps4, because the PC is not drawn. Check out the first on the computer, but torrent no. It costs 4K RUB?VniKuDA wrote:
The game is really gorgeous,so many emotions in the passage,and the music is just gorgeous...
Heh, heh...
-Alexander wrote:
The game is wonderful to purchase required
Heh, heh...
Chabster wrote:
The game is a masterpiece.
Heh, heh...
It seems that buying is a miracle for decent money, it's hard to admit to myself that tricky cross-eyed monkeys still sell it to you slowly floating in the monitor is shite. Even more to admit it publicly.
Isn't it better to extol and to ascend to heaven NieR: Automata, secretly hoping that there are still a couple of idiots who will buy this also has seevral. Thereby diluting the bitterness of stupid purchases...
So, again, heh, heh... Quite a malevolent heh, heh.
The case when it is better to pirate. Developed and penny didn't deserve such a handout in the form of a PC version even though they already cut down dough, what with happy faces repeatedly reported. I myself bought it, regret. Buy (PC) - in any case, play - stands.