The movement for the localization of games Telltale Games Telltale Games are very respected and loved in Russia. Unfortunately, games such as The Walking Dead Season 1 and 2, The Wolf Amog Us not localized. And it is very difficult gameplay. Since most Russians do not know or poorly know the English language. I hope you will support my petition and will help tremendously with gaming komyuniti Russia.
Petition means? Oh Yes, the developers will release the game in Russian.
games such as The Walking Dead Season 1 and 2, The Wolf Amog Us not localized
Localized fans, and at the highest level.
Dr. Otto Wolfgang Ort-Meyer
It's only for PC. On consoles the Russian localization is missing. And why do you not believe in the petition? With Dark Souls it worked. And it is not so difficult to enter the Russian subtitles in the game.
Well, dark souls worked of course, but something tells us that it will not do so, in any case, why not to try)
All right, join the movement, support your petition, I hope my help at least some result)
Even if we lose, we will know that even as it tried. Instead of sitting idly by.
I well enough know English language, but as native as a closer, it makes you want to see yourself you realize it or you, so just offer?
>do you understand it
Understand. And because of that, the Russian almost did not play.
it is not only language comprehension, but also to include in the games the Treasury of the Russian word.