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Gerok 24.11.21 01:11 am

what you need for Omnistrike (The Last Remnant)

In general, Rush has a skill (something like a super skill), but how to do it is still not fully understood ... on some forums they say that it can be done when there are few lives, on others, what is needed accumulate a "rage"
bar (M-bar, vertical) until the character's status bar is "fiery".

I would like to find out all the same what is needed for Omnistrike:

To be a half-corpse ?
To be in "adrenaline"?
Or do you need both?

In the demo version, I managed to make this Omnistrike more than once, but in the original version of the game it was somehow difficult with it.

We are discussing.

PS If you think that I am stupid, etc., then please do not write this, keep the information in yourself.
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FantasmSoldier 24.11.21

I did Omni when there were 3 more people maximum in the squad))) I beat the BlueJaws boss for a long time and somehow it turned out to carry out an omnistrike)

Lynxess 24.11.21

> muhhaha two abilities in one battle
I had the opportunity to apply super attacks by all units at the same time. only when 3 detachments did it, the others went out

supchikdnya 24.11.21

Strange, but I had an omnistrike when my personal morale scale (or whatever it’s called) was halfway, but it was about 75%, and the morale scale was generally in the middle ... it’s not clear, maybe the superskills fall out randomly?

Luddanik 24.11.21

a very muddy game, by God, you can't figure it out without half a liter, a bunch of absolutely moronic options, such as building, a million ingredients, a million questions, nonsense is not a toy, but continuous hemorrhoids, the Japs are crazy, where in a normal RPG at level 25 you cannot cope with imp? It's just not possible to fill up Longbeak, Imps of the crazy Demon, as I understand it, you can fill them up at about level 50, then what is the leveling ceiling of 150, nonsense !!! I'll go to the fallout and chop it down and more atmospheric, this game is for magicians, who apparently have nothing else to do !!

Svetloyar 24.11.21

It is necessary to be aimed at the enemy hero and the scale should be filled, the one near hp mp

Added: but no, it also began to appear on simple mobs. Apparently random, only unavailable on the first move.

supchikdnya 24.11.21

And here it is available, Remnant skills work only for a specific squad, that is, if you see a symbolizing glow, most likely the skill will work if you aim the squad only at a specific enemy.

DirtyR 24.11.21

There is clearly a lot of randomness here. Omni passes when how, but usually at full yellow scale. By the way, not only Rush has Omni))
Gay-Bolg passed from me for the first time when he brought down the army of Conquer in a non-plot quest, which he took from Kaedmon. By the way, cool people. When I hired him, I wasted all the money, but he's worth it. Gay-Bolgom overwhelmed several detachments at once. And once it passed 2 times in a row! And just in time, since I brought down 3 strong birds with area attacks and different debuffs like curse, silence, paralize.

Cyclops also appears randomly. Usually at the beginning of the battle on the first move, but there was one and at the end.

I felled the dragon somewhere at rank 40 (although I don't remember at all) and barely failed. And then there are a bunch of these dragons wandering in the desert - go-don't-want.

DirtyR 24.11.21

By the way, this is what happens if in Dave's squad the AP gain reaches 80:


Both Gay Bolg and Blackout pass in the first turn of the battle. But still Gay Bolg appears much more often

My damage at Battle rank ~ 90:
Omni at Rush: 40-120k
ExCar Dave: 20-60k
Lugh's Revenge at Torgal: 50-150k
Hundred Flowers at Emmy: 40-130k

I don’t remember the rest ... I just got Dual Snowpetal from Irina and Krinia, but so far it has hardly passed. The damage depends on the target's defense and crits, that's why such a spread. Plus some skills like Omni and Lugh's Revenge bring down all the units in the squad. Very rare, but it is useful, for example, when there are 2 eyes or a spiritlord in the squad. And one more thing - at first Omni is like very cool, but now Rush with the Victory Sweep ability (extreme dmg on a two-handed sword) critiques 80-100 thousand damage. Although unique abilities have one advantage - while the leader does not use it, the squad gets almost 100% resourcefulness, which is very useful against bosses, rars and others.

PS: In general, all the conditions on the Wiki are written. For example, Omni never passes on the first turn, unlike Gay Bolg. And Omni is driven by rage. And Emmy's Hundred Flowers passes when her squad is almost dead. and so on ...

In short, here is all the infa that I learned in 3 passes and climbing on Wiki)

CoyoteStark 24.11.21

in general, while the battle is going on, the Persian gets rage when he hits and reduces his rage when he is hit, when the rage reaches a certain limit, you can use a superskill (omnistrike, guy bolg or pistols from General Atlam from Sovani (I don't remember his name)) sometimes due to events the rage is automatically set to the maximum (examples are the very first battle where Dave uses Guy Bolg and the battle in the dungeon, one of the first battles is Rush + Emma against the tank (I don’t remember the name, I played for a long time)) in general (inner strength, rage , or tp synonyms) depends on how many blows he inflicted and the current works on bosses, because you cannot reach rage on simple mobs - you will kill faster than you will accumulate rage. I looked like the game completely 3 times in English, so I can miss something, maybe I'm not strong in English. Gerok, the number of lives does not matter.


This "rage" is most likely a bar for increasing morale, it is signed on the side with the letter "M" and when a super-hit passes this bar plus the scale of morale ... when you hit it (this bar) it grows, when you are hit it falls, and when you push specialist. the reception of which thread it turns into morality, I do not know how this affects the rest - because the higher the spirit, the higher the damage you have and the less the warg, but in my case Gae Bolg passed in battle with at least 4 enemies involved in the battle (neither on Roece, neither on Castanei with the Conqueror did not pass (Except for the fight in Eagle Nest, "where did he blink ... blah!" ... well, okay! So what am I on? Ah, well, yes ...) never, and I often fought with them with and without cheats) and with this empty scale, it happened from the very first move to "leaf through" those who can be attacked on you, but sometimes not a fig ... I’m now interested in throwing the speed of this "rage" can be like a thread? Have not tried it even once ...

johnValintine 24.11.21

for this, it is necessary somewhere 2 rounds not to be hit by the enemy, but with the help of yourself to beat the enemy yourself, so that (m) climbed to the top

johnValintine 24.11.21

with (Potions) it rises faster if they have lvl 4-5