Guys, I just thought about it. So I talked with non-Russians - Dags, Uzbeks .. Here they seem to have everything clear - dark, brown-eyed, dark-haired .. It can be seen in general to which people he belongs, according to general characteristics. But Russian is rather a common noun, for over the years, in Russia and Russia, so many peoples have mixed up, that in order to determine who you are, you need to raise your entire pedigree. So that I was even saddened that the words Russian and American, perhaps, are the same in meaning, and that I cannot know what nation I belong to and not only me. A theme for others to grieve too. If I am a Slav, how to understand this?As you begin to delve into all sorts of scientists and inventors, our solid
scientists and inventors are just ours, yours are just patent trolls. And the patent system itself was clearly invented not to advance science, but to make money on it.
Okruta Enthusiasm alone
won't last long, and the patent system is a consequence, not a root cause.
don't want to face the truth - don't. time cures.
I named the common features of one of the peoples of Dagestan (I will specify)
Enthusiasm alone won't last long, and the patent system is a consequence, not a root cause.
So I say, there are people who make discoveries, and there are those who do not have enough intelligence before discoveries, but they are smart enough to patent what others have discovered in their own name and receive dividends for it.
Blacks in the US are building a civilization (just don't talk about "poor areas" now), blacks in Africa are nifiga. AND? It has nothing to do with nation / race.
Ripper Man
don't want to face the truth - don't. time cures.
Time cures. In 20-25 years, you will become a national minority in your country. Arranges?
Blacks in the US are building a civilization (just don't talk about "poor areas" now), blacks in Africa are nifiga. AND? It has nothing to do with nation / race.
And have you set up a lot? And you look not by individual exceptions, but by statistics.
Ripper Man
I repeat again) You named the racial characteristics, not the characteristics of the people! Is eye color or hair color a sign of a nation? This is a racial sign! Do you know what national characteristics are? If you know then give a definition.
is not a sign of a nation, but signs of a people, as I wrote.
Ronik 1912 I'm
interested. I just thought that I was Russian, but I can't prove it to myself, maybe someone from the members of the forum can? I don’t believe
in Wang and other Copperfield
What is Russian? Nationality?
And if any Belarusian or Jew lives in Russia, works and creates
for Russia, then who is he?
Papa Cheburator
What is Russian? Nationality?
Facepalm. Russian, German, American - this is the designation of nationality.
Ripper Man
Don’t believe who is forcing you. But I believed in the nonsense that you outlined in the first post.
If this is nonsense, then confirm your words. the topic is about this.
Ripper Man
What? There are no questions for other nations, but for the Russians it is obligatory (s). You claim that there is no such nation, and you prove it. And your cited "proofs" such as "multinationality", "narrow-ass yoke" are generally ridiculous.