How are store profits calculated? (Fallout 4)
I have 19 shops with sellers in my settlement, all resources are normal, the population is 23 people, but for some reason there are only 50 caps a day, regardless of the number of stores. It was the same when there were 10 stores. Isn't that nonsense? I put in them (all top-end stores) about 30k caps, and they only carry 50! Wouldn't it be better if 1 store carried 50 lids, then the profit would be justified - the more, the better. Or was it just that I was mistaken about something and you can take more from the stores? Tell me who is the same, otherwise I heard a lot of profits from the stores, but I did not notice something.So there it seems like, if you invest, the more money the seller has, therefore he can sell more unnecessary.
Maybe a bug, maybe this is how it should be ...
I visit the settlement from time to time, take the lids from the workbench .. usually there are 500-1000 ...
Stop ... and you take the lids from the workbench, I hope? From the "Miscellaneous" section, it seems ... or do you run around the merchants and exchange with them?)
And investing, yes, as the speaker said above, adds caps to merchants in trade, and not in the income of the settlement.
I don’t understand either. There are 5 merchants in one settlement, I take 50-200 caps from it. In another, there are 3 merchants, the last time I took from there as many as 700 caps.
" Cap Collector" perk with the ability to invest in a store of 500 caps
and how to invest? There is a perk, but I don't see an opportunity to invest
Most likely, like the settlers, to force them to do something, go to the store in the construction menu, I don't know I don't have this perk and there's nowhere to put money
LegatRezedent Pumped in right
now, when exchanging with the seller, the inscription {Q Invest} appeared, he had 834 cr (was 384), now this amount will probably always be