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Dosmotr 25.11.21 12:58 am

DreamTeam collect to knock out sticks (Diablo 2)

Putting together a team of three rogue people to knock out the sticks.
We create and pump together three characters on different accounts:
Light forty, BO barba, Smither.
Without SMS and registration. The cost of each character will be within self-sufficiency with hph.
Smeeter's example: guliam / shaka, rising sun, havens light, spirit / zak, grief riders, raven, dwarf, trecheri, tg-belt, fights. That is, all the gear: pool-um-free. The barb and the magpie are within the same limits.
Each millionaire partner from the team has access to all akas. The sticks can be hit together or separately, at will.

Send your CVs for the position of manager for knocking out sticks to me in a personal, preferably with an indication of the desired specialty, work experience and convenient time for pitching.
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annortheone 25.11.21

"I am collecting parties for scammers themselves"

Dosmotr 25.11.21

The total cost of each of the characters will be within ist, which makes the kidalov meaningless.

d00m3d 25.11.21

sdelal vse nuzhnoye za 1 den, begayu sam, brat ne umer.

potom budut pal t4 low mal, 20-xx za gul. nn takoye, svoi prodat ne mogu

ADVERTISING RIGHTS: o unident torchi, / w hateu

passed 25.11.21

That is, all the gear: pool-um-free.
Even ya completely lagged behind pezhe prices. xD

Patsa Vatsa 25.11.21

But I disagree about the light, it's much easier to beat the keys with the fireworks. This season, I did it quite simply: I gave an ench-sorca a unique chu-ko-well, put a nature piss on my finger, and a measure - a lalbringer. The farm is no worse than those Persians of yours specially collected for this business.

In short, whoever is better to farm caseets.

Dosmotr 25.11.21

Patsa Vatsa, is the
Countess definitely not a faerimun?

T-fox 25.11.21

nn pridymivat6 velosiped, laitoi xorowo farmyatsa klu4i.

d00m3d 25.11.21

a chito, mf4kblizz nikatiruyetsa?

passed 25.11.21

who is better
Oh, but whoever has not perverted ... Up to the ik-beavers. xD
There was an experimental FW / Nova that season. In this - just a light, dressed by a mef without frills (shaka, tr amul, wizi, viper, ss, bloods, np, ik belt - something did not drop, and then it remained, dwarf, tracks). IMHO, if not the best, then the most convenient. In fact, the blocky blizzard copes well, only nichla more often than coldimmuns, an infection. =)

passed 25.11.21

Merk is a barb (lolbringer, shaft, kira). Zbs!

Patsa Vatsa 25.11.21

Dosmotr, yes it is glass, static + merk, and it is not.

Patsa Vatsa 25.11.21

T-Fox, collecting a light shirt without infi is eccentric, I think.

Obsessed 25.11.21

Patsa Vatsa,! : D

passed 25.11.21

Patsa Vatsa
Collect - it is loudly said if the goal is the keys. A stick with lr (I stuck a staff with slate and charges) against the magYk nichly resist - that's all the "infi".

Torum. 25.11.21

Patsa Vatsa
And info without a light-shirt?

Patsa Vatsa 25.11.21

I have spoken sharply above about light sorties. I apologize to everyone who loves to play them. But I do not understand the dogmatic nature of some forum participants in relation to this aspect of the game. After all, it is quite obvious that keys are easily farmed by any magpie, and there is no point in making a light specifically for this activity.

passed 25.11.21

keys are easily farmed by any sorceress
It is a matter of comfort. Personally, it's easier for me to make a special enchant. Yes, and with a large ppl, throwing the countess down faster with light-soy than with a yardstick. And nichl is more often koldimmun than light.

Patsa Vatsa 25.11.21

has passed, all the same I can say with regard to ognesorka. It's a matter of comfort. :)

Obsessed 25.11.21

I have spoken sharply above about light sorties. I apologize to everyone who loves to play them.
and what bastard banned this holy man? :'WITH

Torum. 25.11.21

He told the moderator there that he was from Tolins.