Patch 1.05 (Mass Effect 3)
A few hours ago, Chris Priestley, BioWare's public relations specialist, posted a post briefly announcing the imminent release of the new 1.05 patch for Mass Effect 3 and shared a short list of changes regarding both co-op and solo.Patch release date:
- PC - 22:00 Moscow time on January 31st;
- Xbox 360 - 13:00 Moscow time on January 31;
- Playstation 3 - 12:00 Moscow time on January 31st.
List of fixes:
- Fixed a bug in the co-op, thanks to which users could force all their weapons to use rocket ammunition;
- Fixed a bug related to high memory consumption during DLC ​​initialization.
The list is small. It pisses me off that after installing patch 1.04, the game began to jerk on the citadels, and the sound crackles periodically. I hope this has been fixed.
Patch 1.05
I posted a password on RGHOST to get the link: 12345
Run the .exe and install it in the game folder
And who can throw off the thread of multiplayer dlts. It kind of weighs 155 mb. I'll be very thankful.
Romchik86 install
through the original
Click on the game with the right mouse button in the origin and click on "Show game information"
This is not a patch, but simply packed MassEffect3.exe version 1.5. And there too
advised me the following:
completely uninstall the game and use the CCleaner utility to clean the registry.
Utility: ""
After uninstallation, please restart your computer and reinstall the game, be sure to download via Origin
Where can I download the patch with this RELOADED tablet ???. Since this particular RELOADED tablet is sewn into the game
anyone else, throw off the leaks on the patch, just so that you yourself check that everything works together with the DLC citadel
Can someone answer - is there something needed in patch 1.05? You cannot download it here, I caught the installer from COGENT, I barely found a live link from the Chinese, I set it to 1.04, after that the game tries to start, but falls out right after the Bioware splash screen. What's the matter here? And how significant are the changes included in this patch? First of all, I'm interested in whether its installation affects the connection of the Citadel DLC.