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Wyss 25.11.21 01:50 am

Full Game Impressions (Spoiler Hell) (Goodbye Deponia)

Eh, they finished off Rufus, albeit with a smile on his face. Klitus will live the role of Rufus, Goal of course understood everything, but ... Don't you think that the ending was leaked?
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Alex1-9-9-5 25.11.21

Another interesting fact is the translation of DEPONIA from German gives MASS EFFECT in English only google translator, other translators ignore this word! And while translating Mass Effect from English into German has the opposite effect!

Vasenkov 25.11.21

Everything is very simple. Someone also remembered Mass Effect and began to actively suggest to Google the translator that Mass Effect is the best translation of the word Deponia. So these are just the antics of disgruntled fans. Here.

Kerlin 25.11.21

I somehow did not think about it, now Google translates Deponia as Mass Effect (or something very close) in almost all languages ​​into which Google can translate ... the fans are clearly carried away.

Strega 25.11.21

Even if the goal was in morality and not in a happy end, then the moral is as follows, no matter how you f * ck you did not try and strive for your dream, in the end everyone will get those who either did nothing or considered you a complete loser and you stay in the same shit but still with the addition.

DarkStel 25.11.21

Actually, being like Rufus is tantamount to admitting oneself to be a narcissistic egoist (in the end, he only changed at the end of the trilogy). partly, of course, his personality was affected by his lifestyle (remember at least Kuvak ... a bunch of egoists against their background, Rufus really seemed to be the only one who strives for the best), but from the second and third parts where he spoils the life of a few normal Deponians, his disgusting reverse effect was clearly visible personality

By the way, on the off-forum, the hype does not stop, even recently a message from Poki popped up (I don't know if it's the author himself or some smart guy), in general, apparently the developers will still have to publicly confirm the death of Rufus at their own risk and peril

Wyss 25.11.21

On what kind of site is the hype? Throw a little bit. About the deposit in the google translator of course it delivered)
Py: have you seen the film Elysium? It doesn't seem to you that they are hinting ...

Kerlin 25.11.21

For example (knowledge of English, and even better German is welcomed ...): http: //forum.daedalic.de/viewtopic.php? F = 169 & t = 4319

Rufus05 25.11.21

pay attention to what Galdring says on this forum, judging by his words, there will be no happy end and no sequel (

Kerlin 25.11.21

Have you seen the body? How do we know that in flight Rufus, for example, was not caught by a flock of predatory ukonos?

PS Or in 5 years we will see Return to Deponia 3D + Oculus Rift Edition.

Proto_ui1010203 25.11.21

"Leave hope all that comes in here" is an epic bummer, I'm tired of the games where they kill at the end, what kind of fashion has gone to soak the years at the end? And in general, I demand the continuation of the banquet !!!

DarkStel 25.11.21

We must pay tribute to the developers that they generally dared to take part in the discussion, but about the question that worries us, the answer is negative. Although this is unlikely to calm down both us and the German fans, and on the incentive, English-speaking people are unhappy (it is their own fault to make the ending with ellipses and a bunch of questions; -r)

Kerlin 25.11.21

And even so, it seems to me that the publisher needs to know the opinion of those who play their game, as I understand there is only one ending, it will not be me, it was thought by the author as it is from the very beginning, and yes, it gives an opportunity to fantasize about what could to be further. In any case, this is one of the few adventure games I've gone through in my life, but I really liked the concept, the story, the humor, the characters, and so on ... so it's not surprising that I would like to see a sequel, as your friends think so too.

DarkStel 25.11.21

I agree, I also believed until the last that this is a prerequisite for the continuation ... the developers seriously screwed up (they could at least have made a not such a tragic ending) ... at least now for me they are not on the list of the best (although their games were good before of this time ... but how do I know now that they will not repeat this cliché (mass efect was the first; -p) and will not ruin some other realties of their future hero?)

I would have the resources and people could easily collect the necessary the amount for the continuation of the plot; -p)))

Oh, and I also wish good luck to the German fan-programmer who (on the same forum), although in Java, will try to put together a team to continue the plot ... if the case burns out, I personally count him 100 evergreens) ))

who knows German, you have until Saturday to put forward the idea of ​​continuing the plot (personally, I would prefer the existing second option)

MAFFIA28 25.11.21

Let's hope that there will be a continuation! HAPPY END !!!

Hireidan 25.11.21

It would be better if your favorite subject was the Russian language textbook.

Charus 25.11.21

So that is all. All dots and ellipses have been placed and it's time to summarize. The history of the adventures of Rufus the gouge is over. I think I am not wrong to say that it was one of the most exciting adventures in recent years (personally, I do not regret a single minute spent in the game). Of course, like you, I would like to have a happy ending (I don't like the phrase "happy end"), but alas and ah. The ending is extremely clear and understandable (for those who think otherwise, I advise them to grow up and "get off" from Hollywood blockbusters): Rufus, as a true hero, saved the world (even two) and sacrificed himself to save his beloved girl. Whether he died or not is no longer important. What matters is that Rufus conquered his selfishness and finally got it right. Albeit at such a price, but it has changed. Goal ... her sigh at the end speaks volumes. There is so much melancholy, sorrow and regret in this sigh that they will not fit into any afterwords (in my eyes, I caught a glimpse of hope). She understood everything, it's a pity it's late.
Most likely it is not worth waiting for the continuation. The story is over. Applause (standing), curtain, light. Goodbye Deponia! It was cool!

Kerias 25.11.21

Probably, this is exactly what the correct ending should be.
After all, Rufus was not originally a hero and pursued completely selfish goals - his own well-being, a better life, for the sake of which he was ready to commit any stupidity, and only then - love, comrades and the salvation of the world. But in the end, he overcame his own ego and sacrificed himself in order to save someone. Probably, this was the high idea, morality can be said - even the most notorious egoist in the end is able to sacrifice himself for the sake of loved ones.

But ... damn it, it doesn’t leave me feeling like something has died inside. I fell madly in love with this cozy and moderately crazy world, the silly main character and minor characters. And I, like many others, I think, really wanted this selfish madman to eventually manage to reach the very end, finding his own happiness, without ditching himself. Of course, this is how morality and subtext appeared in the story, but ... damn it, how could I hope that, despite all the shortcomings, everything ended well for him. How could you end up and die, Rufus ?!

Of course, they say that a good ending leaves a feeling of incompleteness and secondaryness. But this is just very cruel and completely unexpected. In the end, we are all a bit of such selfish Rufus, and we would like at least one of us to find happiness in the end, but ... not destined.

Charus 25.11.21

Yes, buddy. I understand you perfectly. I walked away for a week from parting with Deponia and its inhabitants. Sorry for Goal. She's to live with this burden. And Rufus ... as one famous movie said: "You either die a hero, or you live until you become a villain." He became a hero and died like a hero.

dreichiklol 25.11.21

No guys. One thing you don't understand. The ending is just gorgeous. That is, everything seemed to be fine, goals were achieved, but a lot of questions. This is the whole point. Leave the one who went through the game with such violent emotions that he could not knock the game out of his head for another year. And if you continually make continuation, it will turn out like with shit 14. Here, like in Half. Schoolchildren may be indignant, but connoisseurs will understand.

Damn, but I really felt so sorry for Rufus. when I realized what he had done (well, he jumped). I myself want to continue, but I'm afraid that it will turn out like a code or fifa.

Lightman_R 25.11.21

End of Story

The last installment in the Deponia trilogy. It is here that all the points will be placed (they will even explain the external similarity of Rufus and Clitus), we can even say that this is the most action-packed part of the trilogy. Towards the end, Goodbye Deponia turns from a point-and-click adventure into some kind of interactive cinematic - this move will keep the heat of passions and emotions.

The humor has changed a bit. Now most of the jokes are based on parodying or ridiculing famous films / games (including jokes about the games of the Deponia series, funny).

The game is finally a little easier. Now riddles are more or less amenable to logical solutions, and the inventory is not crammed with a bunch of items.

The developers have often mentioned that Goodbye Deponia will have three Rufus. Yes, in one of the chapters, three characters come under our control. All of them will be in different places and solve their problems, you will only have to occasionally exchange items between them.

A worthy conclusion to the trilogy. Goodbye Deponia.