Counter Strike password (Counter-Strike)
People help me, when installing the subject, requires a password before starting the game.what to write on the disk and on the box, nifiga was found.
Get yourself a KeyGenerator for Half-Life (it should be on any Kontrovsky site), put it (it consists of one file) in the Kontra folder, cut it in, press a single button and, in fact, retype this disgrace in the "password" line (although in general -that's a CD-key) and everything will be OK (at least it should be).
Greetings to CS connoisseurs!
I heard there is a console command (or something like that), when you enter it, the sight stabilizes (does not travel) when firing.
If it does not make it difficult, please reset the answer to E-mail: [email protected]
who played CS eXtreme there is Opera.wav Can you tell me where to find the full version of this song?
During the game, press the "=" key and select (from 1 to 7).
If it doesn't work, enter the console (during the game) and write "addbot" (no quotes needed)!
the dermis piece bothers you better sit and study, I
’m ashamed to ask such a thing = Fathers =
Anyone Would like to play CS on INET? waiting for mail
++++ PsihPOWER FOREVER ++++
I need to teach a lesson here and I would like to know how to make you become a server, or at least enter passwords, you could kick someone or restart it =) well, you get the idea. THANKS !!! of course if you answer me
First, get yourself a modem pool and a server! then setting up, installing, connecting a dedicated channel, contracts with a provider, hiring a technical administrator, etc. After all this, you need to create a game!
So that the sight does not move apart and is small, you need to do this:
1. WRITE cl_dynamiccrosshair 1
2. WRITE cl_lw 1
3. Then remove the console, sit down, get the pistol, and during sit down, write cl_lw 0 in the console
I turned on censorship in the cs and forgot the password and now I cannot turn it off! tell me the password, plz!