Naked Char Challenge (Diablo 2)
Which Persian do you think is best suited for this "regime"? And how realistic is it at all in a solo to go through the game without gear / measure? If not, then suggest more or less "passable" alternatives, the calculation is desirable for hell (at least to reach it))) How difficult will it be if you allow runwords, or, for example, onli uniques (without rerans)?nwn2030
Why WP? you can't buy bottles, wear clothes too. What can he finally do in the city? :)
Sweety_Mustard Run away from the crowd of fans =)
So if you can run away in Pete / Tunel / Den of Evil :)
NMC voobwe na legke sdelali, a vot MMC ne osilili, daje s 2 zahodami i doka4em pavwih persov :(
a vot MMC ne osilili
And you shouldn't have exploded on ayrarat. <: D Not all were enough for the second run. :(
Tru hk-game:
Maybe I'll remember something else - I'll write, otherwise there were already similar thoughts.
Rivnyanyn, in my opinion, is a purely personal opinion, it is better not to talk about the "hard xk-game", but to show by his own example that it is possible and even interesting. ;-)
Pakhod will have to play as a naked Persian in order to surpass the local "passing" ones.
Manifold CorvinOk Top_Gun - who else is there?: D
Rivnyanyn, well, I would be "reassured" if you just wrote less often that xz should only be true. ; D ench and bo are not cheats, they were invented by blizzards. if you don't want it, don't use it. personal choice of each. :-)
Rivnyanyn, why such a conclusion? :-) I just don’t understand why give up encha when transferring enchantments, for example.
Ench and BO is a violation of solo, or if, for example, BO is given from KTA, then the use of gear, which is also impossible.
Rivnyanyn "passing". Manifold Top_Gun CorvinOk
Why I'm 2nd Written !!! ??? , I created the first of my BLOOD ZEALA !!!! : D: D: D: D: D
Well, when pumping, that's okay. Wait a minute I decided to swing a couple of 70+ levelers of persaks for the pl (the atoms got tired of flying out). Well, for this case, I swung the ench litter, so that it would level up to 40 from the ench, and then I’ll put on some krap and I’ll dial 70. But I immediately decided for myself that I would not farm with them, they would stand naked in the city.
But when farming or with a steep passage, ench / bo from other charms is clearly unacceptable, but this is IMHO!
Soriki, corrected by seniority (the order in which I saw the created threads): D