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Incredible Kleinman 11.12.21 01:47 am

Technical problems and their solutions (IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover)

I bought a license on March 24. The face turned out to be Stimovskaya, although there is not a word about it on the box. I installed, activated the key, but the game does not start. Is it possible to connect this jamb with the fact that the official release is only on March 25? Who has similar troubles, unsubscribe.
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avals7 11.12.21

HEMUL. if you just bought the game and after installation try to start it right away, it will not work, as most likely you started the game automatically to update. download updates and go!

sergey38 11.12.21

do you need a password when trying to connect to the server?

AlfaEXEcutor 11.12.21

sergey38, how do you log into the server? direct connection or do you choose from the list?
If directly, then most likely it is not a password that is required, but a port, and if from the list, then maybe you are drilling on a private server, where strangers are not allowed. It's easy to change the server.
If you started flying recently, fly on the Turnip.

NEET 11.12.21

I will add from myself they tortured "black balls" instead of a forest on the water of norms, and when approaching the shore, it starts to lag not fatally, but it is unpleasant to watch .... how to turn off the balls playing at different settings does not help .... eh

AlfaEXEcutor 11.12.21

changed? already discussed this issue. It is treated by updating:
1. DirectX
2. Drivers for the video card.
3. By patching to the latest version.
4. And most importantly - by purchasing a license. if not!

NEET 11.12.21

AlfaEXEcutorDirectX extreme, firewood 270.61, BoB v 1.00.14305

AlfaEXEcutor 11.12.21

changed license? The main reason for the circles was the pirate.
Another patch came out, why the modgers have not yet approved I do not know. I posted another half a day ago.

NEET 11.12.21

AlfaEXEcutor well, yes, a pirate, at first I wanted to test it, and I’ll be able to lick it later ...

FRUTI 11.12.21

I confirm for the black circles on the pirate, as a user who used 3 pirates (with different sewn-in patches) and 2 faces. It is not treated with anything - it is crookedly broken and slows down more. I also had a glitch on the pirate - blurry textures that were loaded over time (1-5 sec.). Surprisingly, the patched license is a completely different game :)

AlfaEXEcutor 11.12.21

No matter how you twist it, the pirate is still evil. Although to be honest, I also first "look" at all the new items in pirates, and only then get a license if it's worth it. With Il, everything is different ... and it doesn't seem to be cured! :).

Dizel41 11.12.21

Launched the game, in place of the map, a gray square, what are you doing? (License)

AlfaEXEcutor 11.12.21

2 izel41 It happens for a few seconds until the server loads the rest. Do you have a choice of army? Is it in the upper left corner?

Dizel41 11.12.21

I'm talking about a single one.

Comrad_Fobos 11.12.21

Gray square - it could be a glitch with a grid - line thickness is not scalable.
Try to select the LMB map and turn the wheel on it.

And please try to run several different missions and see how it is.

And please also the version of the game in the studio. Do you have patches only from Steam or is there a beta?

Kazak_Rus 11.12.21

guys, a little off topic ... explain how to jump out with a parachute? I admit that I'm a noob. for whatever key I assign, it does not cut out. besides, that in the company that in the editor ...

I thought maybe it was necessary to first shoot the cap (cabin), but in the management I found only: "open the side window" - which also does not plow.

help plz

Comrad_Fobos 11.12.21

The cockpit needs to be opened.
Do it yourself, with a special pen in the cockpit itself, F10.

Kazak_Rus 11.12.21

Thank you

reywest228 11.12.21

guys, someone solved the problem with a fork on the work table?
otherwise I installed all 5 patches and it didn't help.
immediately after loading the mission, it vibrates to the desktop. but the sound and buttons in the game work.

SpitFire 11.12.21

The same problem, I installed the game on my laptop and I can't fly :) The main thing is, after starting the mission, a worker appears. table, but there is sound, and if esc is pressed, then a menu will appear, the game seems to be running but there is no picture. After reading the forum, I saw that many people have such troubles, reinstalling the drivers did not help, maybe some kind of incompatibility with the video card ..
I tried to install the game from a friend. (License)

Comrad_Fobos 11.12.21

installed on a laptop

Kamikaze :-) there

may be some incompatibility with the video card

IMHO's case is not about compatibility. I had a similar one. This happens if the games ... ala all the RAM or video memory.
In the case of low-power laptops, this is a matter of a couple of minutes for her, alas.