Hindarsfjall Island Underwater Cave (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Tell me pzhl, next to the island of Hindarsfjall in the sea (to the right of the island opposite the village of Larvik) there is an underwater cave - there is a large shell and 2 chests - nothing can be taken, but the objects are highlighted ... Who faced?6 Comments
I don’t remember, but it seems like there should be a water woman or a milusina. in one word, exactly a quest)
and preferably a screen in the studio)
Is the cave not on the island? On the seabed?
If yes - then this cave is involved in the search for the sunken ship according to the "Last Wish". As one of the places of "preliminary research". Geralt examines the chests / remains of the ship, Yenifer will say that this is not the right place, they will sail further