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Darth_Credocs 20.12.21 01:44 am

==== Favorite race. What is ??? ==== (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords)

I am very interested to know who has the most favorite race in all episodes and KOTORs!
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Angel_Trent 20.12.21

Congratulations !! And how much did you and your wife know before? :)

Angel_Trent 20.12.21

heh, well, if you pushed ME into the corner, I b ah *****. but I would be happy)))
Baby, you don't know me. If I had pinned you into a corner, you would have confessed to all the grave problems and went to the monastery. I can drip on the brain :)))

scareproof 20.12.21

"" Little Trent, by the way, is older than you ;-) "- not much, yyy ... :) :) :) :)

" You men are so insecure ...: R "- heh, well, if only you put ME in the corner, I b ah *****. but I would be happy)))

"But now I got the most beautiful of all elven princesses, and in 3 weeks she will become my wife. :))"

Is the wife an elf ?? gygygygygygy ..

Breakwater 20.12.21

Congratulations!! And how much did you and your wife know before? :)
Yes, already go more than 4 years.

Angel_Trent 20.12.21

Great :) I've known my boyfriend for almost three years now ... And before the wedding, you can still live and live ... Lol. The Dutch are so boring.

Breakwater 20.12.21

So you put him in the corner :) He's not going anywhere.
By the way, do you remember what Mira told about her relationships with men? :))

Breakwater 20.12.21

Why did scareproof make three identical posts?

scareproof 20.12.21

FIGASE !!!! Sorry, I didn't want to))

By the way, is your boyfriend a Dutchman? cool yyy

Angel_Trent 20.12.21

So you put him in the corner :)
We are in no hurry. I'm only 20 ... Somehow it doesn't work so early to get married: P

your boyfriend is a Dutchman
Hmm: P

Breakwater 20.12.21

All Europeans are boring. And I'm afraid you will have to take the initiative, Angel. Let not now. Let about 3 years. And love at a distance is a terrible thing. I went through it myself. Good luck!

Angel_Trent 20.12.21

So no longer at a distance. I'm naked as I live with him. But I understand you. Dubov in the distance ... such horror and torture ...

Breakwater 20.12.21

Cho we have strayed a little from the topic :) The people will not understand :))

Love can be discussed forever. Well, my torture, thank God, is over. I can't even believe it. :)

Angel_Trent 20.12.21

Where did your fiancee live?

So ... On the topic .... How do you feel about the Chadr - fans?

Breakwater 20.12.21

She is from Volgograd.

On the topic .... What is Chadra?

Angel_Trent 20.12.21

And you?

Well, in the second KOTOR, if you played, when you sell T3 to smooth out a hutt, some rat brings it for you, like. This is the chador - fan.

Breakwater 20.12.21

I'm from Moscow.
A chador is a hamster-bat. Understood. Cool creature.

Angel_Trent 20.12.21

Lol, identified by the year: P

Breakwater 20.12.21

I remember I spent a long time with him in Pazaak.

Angel_Trent 20.12.21

And I'm only with a droid who constantly loses. Pazaak is not mine. :)

Darth silver 20.12.21

Eh ... Maybe we will not deviate from the topic !?