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KroGod 28.12.21 11:49 pm

SDK Source. How do I bet my cards? (Half-Life 2)

Question: How to place your cards for the standard place? (Closed!)
Question: Is it realistic to create your own backpack, for example, press a letter and a window opens with all the items?
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specter from TM 28.12.21

in the / cfg / folder, you need to create the chapter1.cfg file (with the number of the corresponding chapter), and outside the console commands that will be executed when you select it, the most banal of which is just the line "map kartamoya", you also need to create your textures in the / materials / folder VGUI / chapters /, chapter1.vmt and chapter1.vtf, you can rip them out of chl2 to see the format and resolution

specter from TM 28.12.21

> Is it realistic to create your own backpack, for example, press a letter and a window opens with all the items?
rassuzh you make a mod, really, but only through c ++