Play on x64 systems. (Crysis)
Somehow a patch was released to FarCry that allows you to sharpen the game for 64-bit systems. I personally checked it myself: on a regular XP I played at 800x600 at medium settings. On 64-bit XP, I played at 1024x768 everything at the maximum and the fps was higher than in the first case. Crysis already has support for x64 systems: when installing the game from a 64-bit system, a new bin64 folder appears in the root of the game and the startup file crysis64.exe. All is well, if not for one "but". It does not want to run on any of my 64-bit systems.Did anyone manage to run it on a 64-bit OS? Are there any significant performance gains, as was the case in FarCry?
So, in order, tell me what kind of system you have (or rather, how many operatives you have) if you have up to 4 hectares of operatives, then put 32 bits if the operatives are 4 or more hectares, like on my computer, then there is even nothing to think about the current 64!
I don’t have enough operatives (((just gig ((((I don’t have enough money ...
Help !!!
I installed Windows 7x64 and Crysis does not start.
What should I do? Can put Windows 7x86 and all problems will be solved by themselves, because on the "C" drive there are both Program Files and Program Files (x86)
Help, who fumbles !!!!
some games on x64 do not work for myself, I was convinced of this.
perhaps reinstallation will help, but not Fact.
If there is no limit, then it is better to download another copy that will be designed for x86
Guys, this is the case here. Crysis will not start. Confa and operating systems in the profile. I'm not a fool, I run through folder 64. As a result, a black screen followed by an error.
most likely this is due to the exe file ... I also had quite a few problems with this ..
Here's a panacea:
Create a shortcut to the Crysis application on the desktop (I didn't confuse anything) from the Bin64 folder. Right-click on the shortcut and select "Fix compatibility problems", then "Diagnose the program", then check the box "The program worked in previous versions of Windows ...", select Windows Vista (Service Pack 1), click "Next" and then "Launching the program ..." (necessary to check the functionality of such a solution) ... after loading the game, you need to make sure that it is working properly (shoot the Chinese, check the sound) and exit it ... click next and select "Always use these parameters at startup .. ", OK (something like that, I don’t remember exactly what it’s called).
... FPS did not measure, everything is at maximum (one level slows down the current ... it seems like a hard sit down, tried to change the settings to low and turn off anti-aliasing - to no avail ... who knows how to fix this, write in a personal)).
PS I use Windows 7 x64 Maximum.
Espantorio - THANKS! The only good advice among the rest of the flood. Launched on Win7 64bit with patch 1.2 and Vista SP2 compatibility
Tell me, when I play crysis for more than 10-20 minutes. I am thrown out of the game and rebooted by a computer? intel core 2 quad q8200 2.3mhz, mother MSI P45T-C51, 4G operative, NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 (512 MB), OS Windows XP Home Edition.
Another strange problem was: krayzis started in Vista compatibility mode, but it hung after loading the game, that is,
after "press any key" the
problem was solved when in the Bin64 directory, the files CryRenderD3D10.dll and CryRenderD3D9.dll were renamed to CryRenderD3D9.dll and CryRenderD3D10. dll, respectively,
now it is not clear which shaders are used dx10 or dx9 ... at maximum settings the system does not pull
and, in general, krayzis began to work slower under win7-64 than under XP, apparently due to insufficient memory it
worked well at "high settings" and now only on "average" ok
Not on win 7 x64, the 64-bit version is not plowed, even though the wall is fucked up with the current x86.
But no, I was wrong, it is not necessary to "fuck" against the wall, but simply in the same bin64 folder, you need to run Crysis.exe and you need to set the compatibility mode to win vista sp 1 or 2.
Hello to all!!! I did not start CRYSIS SECOND COMING on windows7, there was no bin64 folder in the game. Downloaded bin 64 here!rar
File: Crysis v1.0 [MULTI5] Windows x64 Fixed EXE # 1
Then placed in the bin32 game folder with the replacement ....... and voila ..... the game started !!! I would be glad if anyone helped !!!!!!!
LAUNCHING "CRYSIS" IN WINDOWS 7 64-bit. You will need the file "Crysis_Vista_x64_Fix-Razor1911.rar" (we take it from the Internet, it weighs about seven meters with a penny), then put the game itself, after installing the game, unpack Crysis_Vista_x64_Fix-Razor1911.rar. There will be 3 files (rzr-c64f.001, rzr-c64f.nfo and rzr-c64f.sfv). Using WinRAR, unpack the file "rzr-c64f.001" - it contains 2 folders: Bin32 and Bin64, drop them into the folder with the installed game (to the root). Next, click on the shortcut of the game, properties-compatibility, set it in compatibility mode with Vista SP2. If there is no shortcut on the desktop, then go to the folder with the installed game (I have it C: Games Crysis Bin64 Crysis.exe) and also do it with Crysis.exe. That's it, start and play.
PS It slows down for me until I figured out what was going on, maybe new firewood will help ... and it would be nice to defragment the disk (Auslogics Disk Defrag drives :)) If anything, I'll write my observations ...
People have such a problem
Crysis launched on the Seven 64 bit, in 64 bit version In compatibility mode with Vista (I tried cp1 and cn2). But
is written in the wood
In the wood written PC resolution 1680x1050, and all that is supposedly higher HD.
The original monitor resolution is not set to 1920x1080 (not in 10, not in 9 directives) ..
But on XP, 1920x1080 is set without any problems.
Tell me what the hell is this, how to set the original resolution?
I had to register the required permission in the game config, my documents. Working. But carelessly, the resolution of 1080 is firmly inscribed in the line, and it is not on the list.