Can't recruit Aiden Pierce and Rench? help (Watch Dogs: Legion)
Aiden Pierce and Rench cannot be recruited on the pirate, they are not available, they are not available! in the main company,the dlc itself was available to play but there was no entry into the main game near the shelter of characters from dlts help =)
This is for everyone, as I understand it on pirates, although the ultimate edition should have a season pass, I would also like to play for them in the main plot along with other prestigious operatives and characters from dlc who are also not available by the way, for example: Darcy Assassin you have a quest for her, but the character itself is not given, you probably need to save after the prologue with unlocked characters where they should be present in the command menu ((
Hang up, he filled in the save, but there are ordinary Persians, we wait further.
Found another way to unlock all premium gear, but it does not work for the pirate
I would not count on re-hacking just recently cracked game. At most, someone will throw off the save with all the characters and DLC. Well, they can still do some kind of Save Editor, but this is unlikely.
There is not even a problem with hacking, saves from a license to a pirate do not fit. Various extensions.
I checked today, a friend of mine threw them off, they didn’t fit, I looked for some other solution and I couldn’t find it, apparently it’s not fate ((
Actually, it's so embarrassing. And they did it so stupidly. That you can’t play for them even if there is an extra.
Saves from face are not suitable, yes. You need a converter, as it was with parts 1-2. But will anyone do it xs.
Maybe you can do some tricks with the converters of the previous parts, you need to try, but I'm rather weak in these matters, what and how to do. Maybe someone fumbles in this and tries?
The Prestige Operatives mod appeared on the Nexus, which adds all the prestigious operatives, and since I'm at work now, I can't check it, so go ahead comrades =))
Artem Nilov
Thank you for the info))) In general, I checked everything works, this whole thing is installed through ManageLegion and with its help it is mounted into the game in a folder, for example mods (created manually in the bin folder where the game itself is located, specifying the path in the data program to the folder mods , in packing specify WatchDogsLegion.exe along the file path and after the zip file from the nexus drag it to ManageLegion and click at the bottom of pack , wait for completion and then close everything and start the game)
Artem Nilov
At the expense of fashion, thank you for the information! I checked the mod on a pirate, a lot of premium characters were opened.
Question, what repack did you do it on? I have been trying to pack for several days, but I am met with an endless loading
Dead_Funny_Face are
you running the program as administrator? it didn’t work for me either until I started it from the admin and started packing the current then