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Horse567 14.02.22 09:22 pm


People, tell me, when you turn on the system unit and monitor, colored horizontal stripes began to appear below, then they disappear not often, with some periodicity. What could be the problem? Stripes about 1cm from the bottom of the screen. Connected via Display Port, HDMI also tried, no change.
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Be3yH4eG 14.02.22

Hana chip vidyuhi horizontal. Vertical - khan block of memory.

Homer11 14.02.22

Campaign, vidyukha falls off.

bloomm 14.02.22

Perpendicular to the mouse.

SonyK_2 14.02.22

Horse567 wrote:
...when the system unit and monitor were turned on, colored horizontal stripes began to appear at the bottom, then they disappear infrequently, with some periodicity. What could be the problem? ...
To begin with, it would be nice to determine what the problem is - with the vidyuhi, or the monitor. If it is not possible to take it to someone and test it there, try how it will work on an integrated (in the CPU) graphics chip. Remove the video card from the motherboard and connect the monitor to the mother's video output. If the mother is the one indicated in the profile ...
..., you may have to connect via an adapter to DVI-D, on the manufacturer's website you can see only this port on the rear panel.
If everything is fine with the image - most likely the problem is in the vidyuhi, if the same nonsense - there may be problems with the monitor itself. Take the "suspect" and take it to friends / acquaintances / to the service and check it again there, on another hardware.

Horse567 14.02.22

For a long time there were no stripes, everything is fine, I tested the monitor with all sorts of programs, I did stress tests for the vidyuhi, everything was fine, nothing flew out, did not overheat, did not freeze ......

Metalist1925 14.02.22

Horse567 A
long time ago - is it a whole day ago?)

Horse567 14.02.22

Well, 5 days exactly. Today, for half a day, I turned the monitor on and off, waited, then turned it on and off again and nothing, everything was fine.

Horse567 14.02.22

So in general there are normal programs for testing the monitor and vidyahi?

Len4ik00N 14.02.22

SonyK_2 wrote:
To begin with, it would be nice to determine what the problem is - with a vidyuhi, or a monitor. If it is not possible to take it to someone and test it there, try how it will work on an integrated (in the CPU) graphics chip. Remove the video card from the motherboard and connect the monitor to the mother's video output. If the mother is the one indicated in the profile ...
Why such difficulties, if you can just take a screenshot of the screen and see: if there are no stripes on it, then the monitor is to blame; if so, a video card. In general, it would be nice to post a photo of the stripes here (at least similar from the Internet, if you couldn’t capture it while the stripes appeared)

Horse567 14.02.22

I haven't seen similar bands on the Internet, I'll take a screenshot and attach them.

Horse567 14.02.22

Here is something similar, below and there are not many of them.

papakarlos 14.02.22

it's a zebra running at the speed of light

Marsj 14.02.22

If the stripes when you turn on the monitor without turning on the PC - the monitor is the culprit.
If the stripes when you turn on the PC - cable, ports, video card.

Horse567 14.02.22

In general, the stress test of the vidyuhi will reveal something?

Len4ik00N 14.02.22

Horse567 wrote:
In general, will the stress test of the vidyuhi reveal anything?
If you don’t start it, you won’t know)) Of the possible options, what could happen if there are problems with the video card: artifacts, black screen, shutdown / restart of the PC, crash of drivers. If nothing comes out of this during the test, then everything is fine with the video card, or the problem is not yet so obvious + it must be taken into account that some tests load only one of the components of the video card (for example, furmark), so it is advisable to check in different tests, even for check you can use the game.

Horse567 14.02.22

In general, I ran stress tests, all indicators were normal, nothing crashed, nothing hung, (launched Aida for 35 minutes) I came home from work, I decided to check it turned on the monitor, the bands went, but there was a little. There are no artifacts in the games, everything is perfect. Business I so understand in a monica.

MunchkiN 616 14.02.22

if there are no artifacts in the games, then the matter is either in the motherboard or in the monitor. you can actually score, perhaps, but start saving money.
I had a damaged vidyuha, so she made a pink square on the blue screen of death in which there were light pixels on the edge, like in a peck-peck quartercode. but there and in the games there were quite massive artifacts.

Horse567 20.02.22

No, there are no artifacts or crashes in games, but I play a lot. Ok thanks everyone for the help.

Marsj 20.02.22

If you have a TV, connect your PC to it.

Horse567 20.02.22

Of course there is TV