Modmakers in Age of Empires III (Age of Empires 3)
Who else besides me dug into the XML files of the game and twisted something there and made a mod?How to edit the "proto" file?
Find the parameters in the line and change them (I will give an example based on the settler):
1) name ='Settler'> - (settler) is the name of the Persian you want to change.
2)PopulationCount>1 - this is the number of population that will occupy 1 Persian, if you change this value >1< to the value >0<, then the population will not change no matter how much you train these Persians.
MaxHitpoints>150.0000 - these components are responsible for the viability of the settler (change in both lines)
4)BuildLimit>99 - this is the maximum allowed number of settlers after which they cannot be trained until they are 99, not all Persians have this value, however, the Indians and some buildings have it.
BuildBounty>10.0000 is how much "xp" i.e. the value of the character.
6)Cost resourcetype ='Food'>100.0000 - Persian cost (Food-meat,Wood-wood,Gold-gold).
At the end there are lines with damage (example: Damage>5.000000 Damage) and in each line by changing this parameter you change the amount of damage inflicted by this Persian.
The parameters are similar for other Persians.
Just in case, before editing the "proto" file, make a copy of it somewhere.
Location: C:....Age Of Empires 3data (Instead of "C" there may be other disk D, F, H, etc.)
Names of some NPCs:
Explorer - Explorer
Priest - Priest
Skirmisher - Skirmisher.
Grenadier - Grenadier
Dragoon - Dragoon FishingBoat
- Boat
Mortar - Mortar
Cuirassier - Cuirassier
Cossack - Cossack Janissary
- Janissary
Lancer - Lancer Surgeon -
Imam - Imam
AbusGun - Cannon Abus
Musketeer Musketeer
Pikeman - Miner
Rodelero - Rodelero
Uhlan - Lancer Halberdier -
CavalryArcher - cavalry archers
Hussar - hussar
Culverin - curlevin
Falconet - falconet Strelet - archer
GreatBombard -
big scorer
Dopplesoldner - dopelganger
OrganGun - organ cannon
Monitor - monitor
WarWagon - military van
Oprichnik -oprichnik
Sheep -sheep
Cow -cow
Canoe -canoe
Frigate -frigate
Fluyt -flutes
Galleon -galleon
Galley -galley
Privateer -marque
Some objects:
Mill -mill
TradingPost - trading post
House - house TownCenter
- city center
Barracks - barracks (barracks)
Dock - dock (for ships)
Arsenal - arsenal
ArtilleryDepot - artillery base
Church - church
Blockhouse - checkpoint (blockhouse)
Bank - bank
Factory - Factory Wall - FortFrontier
Wall - Plantation Fort - Plantation Outpost - FieldHospital Outpost - Capitol Field Hospital - Capitol
example: janissaries, you find the lines:
Tech name ='VeteranJanissaries' type ='Normal
Cost resourcetype ='Wood'>200.0000 Cost
Cost resourcetype ='Gold'200.0000 - the cost of upgrading to a veteran in the barracks i.e. 200 gold and wood, then:
Effect type ='Data' amount ='1.20' subtype ='Hitpoints' relativity ='BasePercent - these lines indicate how much the attack and life of the Janissaries increases.
In the same way, you can change the improvements for buildings and help cards from your home city.
In general, if you want to change which thread of the card, write down what it is called, translate it and look for it.
I have not yet understood everything, but I have already made a couple of improvements (economic maps).
and who knows how to deal with German carts on horseback .. PPC they are powerful
How to increase the level of the game and open inaccessible maps of the map:
C:UsersDocumentsMy gamesAge of Empires 3Savegame
open the file sp_St. Petersburg_homecity (the city name must be the one you play)
find the lines and change to your own:
level>1 / level - if set to 25, new supply cards will be unlocked.
xp>1459 /xp -your xp level (increases with level)
skillpoints>0 /skillpoints -number of skills that allow you to open new cards
xppercentage>0.291800 /xppercentage -xp percentage (can not be changed)
numpropunlocksearned>0 /numpropunlocksearned -points to change view of your hometown before the start of the game.
Make a copy of the file before modifying it.
Can I create my own (Skin)? I want to create a collision mutant! 5000 attacks, 1000 health, 1.000.000 experience (In the metropolis), can you imagine such a guard?
and who can make the Macedonian Hoplites there be Spartans there? Like from the first part?