System requirements, optimization, performance (Doom (2016))
Well, I think many would be interested to know whether pull his PC DOOM.So please unsubscribe here who in what config and how is (the processor, graphics card and resolution IF NOT Full HD ,also please specify)
Well, if denovo, and users say the game is excellent, I think, probably buy. Today will have another look reviews, reviews and tomorrow will make a concrete verdict. And yet, I did not understand, there is sly or not???? All the same, 1500-2000 RUB on the way to roll.
Ivashkov wrote:
there is no sly or
A miserable API (c)(tm)(r), called OpenGL even supports multiple graphics cards?
in response to the incentive is the opinion that in 2016, and there is no support for sly.
Well,so SLI support OpenGL
More precisely, the OpenGL-SLI
Pretty good optimization. Turned everything on ultra and was surprised that the game gives up to 100 frames without much subsidence and any serious slowdown. I do not know where other things are, but I optimized wildly pleased because I was expecting the worst. Config in the profile, played on a conventional Full HD monitor.
SLI is not supported by the graph. engine id tech any there version. To support it is necessary to shovel the whole engine and basic essence and uniqueness it has to lose (the same megatexture) + Carmack they have not, I am afraid that they have stagnation in techplan stood up. This is my personal opinion, at the time, came to this conclusion having SLI and playing the new wolfenstein, not much digging, but one thing is for sure - I doubt very much that sly patches will be delivered.
I think to write my own little system and I do not make sense but if anyone doubts that on i7, 16 Opera and 980 is more stable nowhere in the settings just above ultra (there is a difference that on ultra the game automatically puts anisotropy 8, not 16), to be honest, for a year I am disappointed with the optimization in modern games, despite the system, so I was pleasantly surprised by the smoothness in the Duma, which had only quake 3.
Palehche guys. No one sumnevalsya that the game will go for i7 and 980 giraffe. What do I do with my 660 and i5 4570? To buy or for the pipe to pass?
With percent, you're fine you, and about 660 I think at best 30 fps, still the card is too old, for reference I have a 760 and there was a new wolf was from 40 to 60 fps at high settings.
I have all smoothly at 60 fps, 660 ti, i5 4570, 8gb but win10... so that I don't know how it will be for the other Axes
Yeah, with many other new games have been optimized very badly and even on my bucket was a wild procede constantly. And here is a pleasant surprise, for they thought that will optimize only for what sort of 980-e ti or even 1070 and 1080.
No, if everything smoothly doesn't. it's all good) bother Me work hard during games, very strange ship
Optimize just fierce shit.
They put the game on ultra and shadows on low, gives 70-90фпс, how to put eyeshadow on at once average 47 fps.
In the beginning as I go out in the open world fps 70-90 how get to the room it's almost empty, and the game gives 30-40фпс, with subsidence of up to 20, that kind of nonsense!!
PS What utyrki uchino cons? I lisinopeil the fact that optimization of the HS, and the impact of the graphics settings just yet.
like and PC I have as recommended system requirements, well issues in the planting of 20 fps
right now I'll try a beta driver radionovskiy MB better
PS did not help now the lower value was 23 )))
It's not miserable. Just a few want to develop it, the developers have stuck to DirectX