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Lex Slim 17.11.19 03:25 am

System requirements, optimization, performance (Doom (2016))

Well, I think many would be interested to know whether pull his PC DOOM.
So please unsubscribe here who in what config and how is (the processor, graphics card and resolution IF NOT Full HD ,also please specify)
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-E L A N U- 17.11.19

Oh nube...Clean your buckets, turn off the Internet and unnecessary apps. I am shocked by some individuals. Don't know how to use a computer and to take care of its condition, will throw it away. Such smart optimization I have not seen. The system I have the old processor Xeon e5450 3.0 Hz (overclocked to 3.6 Hz), 8 Gb RAM, graphics card Zotac GTX 970. The FullHD 60 frames stable, without any drawdowns. All that can be put on ultra. Pirates.

nassl 17.11.19

May be a strange question.
Interested in the low loading of the graphics card is only 1 - 8% shows the statistics of the game, while the percent loaded on 10-15%, even though the settings are on ultra.
Feel that somewhere the trick , I can't believe something. Now is 3770к i7 4000 MHz, 6Gb GTX1060.
2500К i5 at 4500MHz with the same map percent were loaded to 50% and up to 30%.

i7 is heated to 67С, maybe it includes trolling?
If someone with the same percents, write as you have loaded in the game hardware.

Sergey 82 17.11.19

I have a different configuration, but in DOOM 4, as in any modern 3D game, the graphics card should be zagruzka 100%. The processor can be loaded in different ways (there are more and less processortime of the game). The smaller the percentage of the CPU the better (provided of download graphics 100%). If You have DOOM 2016 is on the ultra with a normal framrate, and the graphics card is loaded at 1-8%, it is likely that erroneous readings download...

nassl 17.11.19

Sergey 82
I focused on the interest that doom shows. Statistics afterburner shows GPU 60%, CPU 50%, fps 60.
it is not clear if the iron is idle, why not increase fps? It would be understandable if the cpu or gpu separately shut up, then everything is strange...

aleks1979 17.11.19

An average of 10% on such processor.

Sergey 82 17.11.19

You need to turn off vertical sync (locit FPS at 60). Your card is capable of producing 80 - 100 FPS in FHD in DOOM.

Phoenix67 17.11.19

i5-2300 2800MHz,r9 270OC ,16GB RAM ,fullHD,medium settings 55-60fps

nassl 17.11.19

Sergey 82
Yes, just yesterday the thought came.
If the display refreshes the picture at a frequency of 60 Hz, the game will be updated with great fps. Case monitor.

Shock Burst 17.11.19

Gtx 1070 8gb, 16gb RAM, i7 6700k, Monitor FullHD 144ггц , settings ultra-nightmare, Locke is 60fps don't wanna overload the system, 59.9 fps is 60 stable.

Sergey 82 17.11.19

nassl wrote:
If the display refreshes the picture at a frequency of 60 Hz, the game will be updated with great fps.
Just recently came across a video on this subject:

Aleksandr S15 17.11.19

I5-3570, GTX 650 Ti Boost 2G, 20 gigs of RAM. When loading the start screen with interest and a large inscription DOOM sound lag (stops and crackles). I wonder why? Due to the graphics card?

Doomshfaft 17.11.19

Alexander C15
The same canoe. On the volcano somehow disappeared, although it may be a coincidence, can not claim.
Percent same vidyuhi more powerful. If you measure fps in this moment, he sags to zero, so that the percent is likely to blame for a couple of hdd.

Zevs72ru 17.11.19

Shock Burst
What kind of retard like this. 144 Hz, with the computer, playing lock at 60..... RUKALITSO.
By sabzh, optimize shit. Game loves video memory with hovanskii teksturkami. 960 2GB and the i5 4570 is not taken with the rules of FPSOs. Sometimes 60, sometimes 40. Settings do not care at all. API - also. Not one game this is not, current in the Duma. optimize - guano. No match For Honor too. Or BF1. That's just on high-ultra go to 50-60 fps, not top-end smoothing. And have MUCH steeper than the picture.

Aleksandr S15 17.11.19

Sure that percent? Just looked through the task Manager that the load does not exceed 80%. How to decipher the statistics shown in the game, don't know, there are many of them...

Doomshfaft 17.11.19

Alexander C15
According to the logic of the effects menu can't ship the card. Yes, and if loaded, the drawdown was more smooth and constant.
But what I do when using the volcano, these lags disappeared still does not speak in favor vidyuhi.
More accurate info can not give. The game was recently removed, swing the third time 80 gigs is not desirable.
If fps from using a different api does not SAG, then try to change. Himself sitting in 770 and even increase of 3-4% was obtained. Other tips from my side.

ProPsyh 17.11.19

Looked at the topic and decided to test his metal. First, OpenGL, well, tomorrow I will lay out Vulkan. Unscrewed everything on high, except for grain(play with other settings some of the effects of enrage). Configuration, brief, i5-2300 @ CPU 2.80 GHz, RAM 8Gb, GeForce GTX 1060 6Gb, Win 10 Pro x64.
That's what got

Aleksandr S15 17.11.19

Changed the graphics card. Like sound interruptions ceased.

PanzerElite 17.11.19

Ladies and gentlemen, and the gtx 590 at least start?

gennaz 17.11.19

All the rules,the Volcano rocks.

mysterio61972v 17.11.19

medium settings i3 3220 rx 460 2gb, first it was 20 fps, I was in shock, then put the tablet from 3дм and 50-55 fps on medium-high, and before you run off the ' net, then again turned on during the game