Won't start (Mass Effect 3)
I can't launch Mass Effect 3! Before that, everything worked well, but at one point the game stopped running, I don’t know why. Tell me what to do?Z.Y. Running as administrator and reinstalling didn't help.
Good question, I also encountered this, can anyone help? I tried to put it on a clean Windows, it started up a couple of times, then it stopped again
At startup, I write to update physx, and when I try to update it, the installer writes some kind of crap, why the hell before that everything was normal, while all new games work fine (and they obviously use physx). What's the matter then?
1) If litsuha, then try to check the settings of the game in the origin.
2) Cant with Windows. Indeed, a reinstall might help. In our modern time, reinstalling Windows is faster than trying to look for answers on the Internet. Which probably won't help. Windows 8, for example, installs in 10 minutes.
I once had a jamb with the game, litsukha, within 1-2 months, when the game was connected to the add-ons check, it crashed with an error. It helped to fool the connection, log in with the Internet turned off, and then turn on the Internet and authorization was normal. I was tormented with all possible solutions, during this time, until I tried it.
Try to update the firewood on the video, direct, c ++ and there is no framework, if it's a pirate, then look at the quarantine and blocked files in the antivirus, it can just block the crack dll, you can still delete the bioware folder from my documents and try to start the game without saves and settings