Gamepad VS Mouse VS PS4 (The Evil Within)
Dear players, help with one important question for me. I, as a maximalist idealist and just a connoisseur of console horror, decided to go through this project. Here I have a difficult choice. What I want: maximum graphics, convenient and real gameplay, conceived by the developers, ease of control, also according to the ideas of the developers. What I have: PS4, top PC (i7, gtx 980). Actually, the question is how to play? PS4, PC + gamepad, PC + keyboard / mouse (I heard that in the latest updates of the PC version, the developers added the ability to remove the FPS limit and remove the bars officially)?I hope for reasoned detailed answers with personal subjective opinion and explanation :)
Thank you in advance for your help.
Console Elite
Graphics: PC.
Controls: Both for me, and on the keyboard with a mouse, and on the gamepad it’s convenient
plmaldini The
question was for thinking people, I will not understand, how you managed to be noted here.
Thanks, that's enough. I choose PC, and with control I will try both options.
"I, as an idealist maximalist and just a connoisseur of console horror, decided to go through this project." - You, as a connoisseur of horror, should not have known about this game at all. There is absolutely nothing from horror here.
And the gamepad is only suitable for sports games and slashers.