FLYCAT tablets, who used them?
Has anyone come across FLYCAT tablets? How are they in games, can you tell me? The price doesn't seem to be very expensive.I just heard that this is the first Belarusian brand and inexpensive. And what, do these tablets only do games for the most part, or am I mistaken?
They have a good battery, they last a long time and the case is metal. LG displays, I think, are also on the level, generally interesting devices.
A good battery lasts about how many hours? Will it be possible to watch a movie or play a game for 3 hours?
Here they test FLYCAT devices, tablets and keyboards, I think it will be interesting for you.
Thanks. Judging by what I read, it will at least fit for online games, like there were fights in the tests) Yes, and the screen is really pleasing, especially in combination with a small price.
I would take part in such testing ...) It seems to me if the manufacturer is not sure about the product. then would not give left people , for the test.
karuzzzz Thanks for the link, it really came in handy. There are many opinions and there is something to build on. Not only is the color reproduction good, but also the camera
Maybe someone will be interested - a review of Flycat Unicum 7 on YouTube - There, by the way, it is also told about rutting.