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Rybnadzor1 11.03.22 10:08 pm

King's Gambit (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)

In the process of completing the task of the king's gambit, there is an endless loading in front of the scene. Has anyone else experienced or progressed beyond this quest?
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Sirdi 11.03.22

I tried to go behind the jarl - at the end the same canoe - endless loading. It's just some kind of popandos.
Almost all the missions passed, only a few remained. Stupidly I go to clear the map, I wait until the conscience of the developers wakes up.

Artemy Sveshnikov 11.03.22

same on PS4..infinite loading after servant.

Daydreamer 11.03.22

I found the problem, but I don't know how to fix it. Mad Lugos stands in front of the entrance to the Jarl's quarters, stands in the air at a height of 40 cm from the floor. When the battle with the bears begins, he remains in place. He is not on the videos of the successful completion of the quest. In the hall where the feast is taking place, there is a fist fight quest, when you try to complete it, if you lose in the first battle, there is also an endless loading.

bbAAbb 11.03.22

Support reply cd project red:
Hello there,
First I'd like to say thanks for the feedback, we are really proud of our community of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt players.

We are aware of this issue, it is already being resolved by our hard-working Dev team.
I'm really sorry for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.
Happy Hunting!
Piotr Gutowski

So we are waiting for the patch.

Daydreamer 11.03.22

so, I threw a bomb at this pseudo-Lugos - he sagged, and also began to fight with the bears, but in the end there was no result. He stays in 2 places immediately after the battle. In the hall where there was a feast at the entrance to the chambers, and at the same time downstairs with the rest, if you leave the hall along the stairs down to the street, not far from the druid.
I tried the option of missing a servant on a horse who poisoned honey. However, the result is the same, I find his corpse, examine his room, and - the collection of jarls in the throne room.

Daydreamer 11.03.22

There is another option - I refuse to help both the woman and the man. Now let's see what it will lead to.

Daydreamer 11.03.22

lol!! there is no save (((Here it is (((

Klaid85 11.03.22

well PPC how long to wait for the patch now ... save other people do not want to download there are full of quests completed except for the plot (((

Klaid85 11.03.22

with steam discussions:
For all those who have an endless load on the quest "King's Gambit"
I went through the game twice, so I can say with confidence that my method works.
I'm afraid that I will have to roll back to previous quests.
After completing the quest with Yennefer, you will have a new quest about Umma.
DO NOT START IT until you complete the King's Gambit.
The bug lies in the intersection of the quests King's Gambit and Friends in Arms: Skellige.

There is another method if you don't want to rollback.
Stupidly score on skellige, and collect the rest and sail to the foggy island. After the battle in Kaer Morhen, the quest will drop, and the son of the former queen will be the ruler.
You can't influence it.

serge61 11.03.22

There is one more option. Now I will try. After you enter the feast, the Jarl's son offers to fight.
There is no choice in the dialogue, but you can attack the traitors in the right corner, closest to the entrance. I lost the fight - you can give the sword or pay off with money, I'll see what happens next.

serge61 11.03.22

The option works - after the fight - and then after the fight - do not help anyone (the choice in the menu - sort it out yourself).
After that, at least writes the quest King's Gambit COMPLETED.
Tried to help my daughter - hangs.
I don’t have enough patience to try the option with my son (before if I didn’t fight, I tried it - the result, like everyone else, hangs ...)

Klaid85 11.03.22

from the forum:
yesterday at 15:15 #
Actually, patch 1.05 could be tomorrow or today, well, they don't want to work on a day off)))
http://forums.cdprojektred.com/threads/42316-ETA-for- 1-05-patch/page10/#95

Most likely on Wednesday, it will be.

promised to fix quests

serge61 11.03.22

Vikings have half of the quests buggy. Who communicates with them - give them info.

Eric Sharifullin 11.03.22

we will wait for the patch. freezes after capturing a servant on a horse. I don't want to roll

serge61 11.03.22

Yes, not only that. Completed a couple more quests - there is no one to give. There is a Persian - but there is no such option in the menu.
Boom wait. Might fix it...

prosto_series 11.03.22

"I found a solution. Don't chase Arnwald, and then just follow the tracks looking for him."

and there is no fig. even if in such a way, then at the end of the quest again an endless download

serge61 11.03.22

well, some kind of upgrade was filled with a machine gun. I haven't been able to test it yet... let's try...

serge61 11.03.22

nothing has been fixed so far. it got even worse - to the blacksmith, the cat. you need to give the quest about the missing son - it got even worse - there was no option in the menu - now he finally doesn’t talk.
Task - Win a map from Myshovur is not available - it is not available anywhere. Even in the Castle of the Witchers. Evaporated????
And the question is off topic - sorry - how to beat these freaks in hand-to-hand combat?
In return, I can share the tactics of playing gwent - I beat everyone

serge61 11.03.22

Glitch, in my opinion. specific. I will not roll back. Let the son of the former queen be king of the Vikingoffs.
It doesn't affect the end of the movie anyway. The plot is linear, as usual.
And even more so, they said that this is the finish line.
But the game is great. This bug is a fly in the ointment, just.......

Ruslan Saidashev 11.03.22

we'll all be waiting for the patch