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Xandee 12.03.22 03:29 am

FAQ: technical questions and walkthrough (Pirates of the Caribbean)

This FAQ is based on the materials of the forum and the personal observations of the compiler. Only problems that arise during the passage of PKM v will be considered. 1.03. Issues of older versions and addons/packs will not be considered. So, after installing the original game, don't forget to download the patch up to v.1.03 from our file archive.


Game system requirements
Minimum: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP, Intel Pentium III 800 Mhz or AMD Athlon Duron 800 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 2.9 GB free disk space, 2 CD-ROMs, video card Nvidia GeForce 256 with 32 MB RAM or ATI Radeon 8500, sound card compatible with Windows, DirectX 8.1 or higher.

Terrible "brakes" in the game, the screen flickers, etc.
1. Disable the antivirus (especially if you have Kaspersky installed) and all unnecessary programs that are automatically loaded with Windows or have been enabled by you.
2. You have too old or, on the contrary, too new video card drivers. Try several options.
3. Lower the graphics settings of the game in the config.exe file (located in the game folder).

The drive does not recognize the disc
There may be several reasons.
1. Everyone knows the problem with the StarForce protection system. Sometimes just rebooting the system helps, sometimes the game starts from the twentieth time, and in especially clinical cases, nothing helps at all.
2. You installed the official patch from Akella on the pirated version or the official version from Bethesda Softworks (no patches were released for this version). So you have to reinstall the game.
3. Do you have a second disk in your drive?
4. The worst thing is that the disk simply fell into disrepair. RIP

My graphics card is MX. What can I expect from the game?
The game supports such video cards, but don't expect good graphics. The sea will not be the most beautiful ((But in general - a pretty decent picture.

I have a pirated version. What should I do?
Official patches cannot be installed on such a version, so you will have to use fan patches or add-ons. And, of course, a license is best .Patches

and everything connected with them
For the version from 1C, Akella released the following patches: 1.01, 1.02b, 1.02b2, 1.02, 1.02r, 1.03. Accordingly, 1.03 is the final patch. Only saves from versions 1.02r and 1.03 have compatibility. The rest are incompatible. Each patch contains changes from the previous one.

Video embeds in the game do not work
Update the codecs for your Media Player.

Error 89 (protection error)
Conflict between our "favorite" StarForce protection and Nero Burning ROM version 6. It is treated simply - you need to rename the file ..Program FilesCommon FilesAheadDSFilterNeVideo.ax to something like NeVideo.ax5 and that's it. Both programs will run flawlessly.

And what is this menu on the F4 button
This is a debug menu, with it you can teleport the GG himself to any location or teleport his ship. It works very unstable and is not intended for use by players. Although out of curiosity you can try.

Program folder. Why and where is she?
This folder contains game scripts and all dialogs. So no one bothers you to try yourself as an addon, or just correct grammatical errors. However, such a folder exists only in version 1.00. In patched versions, these resources are hidden.

Problem reinstalling the game
It is necessary to delete the game through Uninstall - otherwise you won’t get any problems later. But it happens that this method of removal does not work correctly. Then you have to clean the registry with your pens. To do this, you can use programs like RegCleaner, or the standard regedit (Start->Run->regedit). We clean in the registry branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> 1C everything related to the RMB (if you don’t have more games from 1C, you can delete the branch completely). Run a search in this program and look through all the keys with the words "1C" and "Pirates". If all else fails, it is best to contact technical support.
On the Internet you can find small utilities that are designed to remove StarForce protection drivers from the system. Sometimes it helps.

How to run the game in windowed mode?
Open the config.exe file, which is located in the folder with the game, and there uncheck the box next to "Full screen mode".

Bad Save
May occur after trying to edit saves with a hex editor (always make copies before editing). If you have not edited saves, then first check your hard drive with Scandisk (or another similar utility). Perhaps this is the reason.

Where to download the game?
Search through programs like eMule.


Why reputation and how to increase it?
Reputation - determines the attitude towards you not of the nations themselves, but of NPCs. With a low reputation, some story quests and merchant quests will not be available to you. On the other hand, the crew of ships surrender more often during boarding. You can increase your reputation by paying money in the church or simply by completing quests, such as delivering goods. Reputation may decrease in case of non-fulfillment of generated quests (delivery of cargo, escort of the merchant), failure to return money to the moneylender and attacking the ship / fort of a friendly nation.

How to quickly "pump" GG?
Do not immediately start completing story quests, but engage in trade. In 40-50 minutes, you can earn a fairly large amount of money on cargo deliveries and upgrade. Well, if you don't want to wait at all, use ArtMoney.

How to navigate on the global map?
You need to move using the W, A, S, D buttons. For an easier overview, it's even better to press Tab.

What is best to "pump" from GG?
IMHO, it's best to upgrade your fencing and navigation, and take officers for other skills. It's the same with perks - upgrade yourself those perks that you can't use with officers (just don't forget to start with the Exchange of Experience perk then).

What skills do officers have?
Those that do not need to be "turned on", for example, the skills of protecting the ship will work, but the skill of swimming in shallow water will not.

Side Quests
Despite the fact that patch 1.03 brought some pretty big fixes to the game, it's not uncommon to get stuck with these side quests. It's best to finish the main quest line first.

I can't go through the fight in the tavern after talking with Tobias.
You just need to stand behind Tobias - he will block the way for the soldiers and will fight with them himself. You can just stand and shoot with a gun. After you deal with the soldiers - save and exit the tavern and immediately run to the shipyard, do not try to kill the soldiers who will chase you.


"Pirates of the Caribbean" - is it "Corsairs 2" or not?
At the time of the game's release, this was not the case. But since all the same, people often did not see the difference between these games, PKM received the second name K2, and the new project of the Akella company became known as K3.

How to play as pirates?
No way. Due to a glitch, this option does not work.

Is it possible to play as Daniel?
Such an opportunity was provided during the development of the game, but it was abandoned in the release.

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ТархаН 12.03.22

Hello, what system are you running on? It looks like it only works on XP (see 3rd post from the bottom)

evgen_kuz 12.03.22

I have Win XP SP3

Egor1035 12.03.22

Maybe the problem is not new... A few minutes of the process passes, and then the game crashes with an unhandled exception (00000005). StarForce has nothing to do with it.

SergeySolo 12.03.22

I downloaded repack from fenixx v.1.03, I suffered with video clips for a long time. but I solved the problem by the fact that without the sound_video_on batch file, I moved all the files myself. win 7 simply forbids the batch file. As soon as I was glad that the videos were on, another problem suddenly arose. Under than such that I was shocked. I press F2, a menu opens there, a character, a ship's log, etc., but the buttons are not pressed. that is, I can’t look at a magazine, I can’t distribute experience, I can’t take things. What to do then? Help.

terminat088 12.03.22

the quest to continue the search for reims met daniel at the lighthouse and she doesn’t want to sail with me says that the squadron is large and how to leave a cog on the shore I don’t know help plz

Gorman Freedon 12.03.22

Good day, dear forum users! After reading the forum, the following question arose: what kind of "night (?) mission", and where can I get it? I play the game more than once, but I have never heard of this.

Nikita Med 12.03.22

people help the game flew and need a save game with mephisto and barracuda who has a save skinte

serge89 12.03.22

Can anyone help here?:??????