Farum Azula (Elden Ring)
Please tell me who has already rushed this masterpiece, what should be done in this flying castle after creationOldman00000
The usual corridor loca, I will go out into the open and you will see the largest round tower to which a huge staircase leads, go there
But I warn you that the backside will burn
If I got to this location, there is no way to return back?
In the course came here skipping half the content :/
guys where to go. moved there and how to get into the castle. Below 2 enemies I killed them and then where is the abyss everywhere tell me. I'm stupid.
I also couldn’t understand until I found the info in English with an explanation, hold it will help:
In general, I killed all the bosses available, but after the fire giant, the game crashed on the cinematic of burning, I was not transferred to the farum, tell me what to do :(
JettTheWind TuXoCuGu 00
TuXoCuGu 00
I'll try tomorrow myself, but as the modder's experience tells me, it will work
thanks kind person, I already downloaded the prog to dig into the game files :D
Good evening guys, please tell me what to do next. I went through the Crushed Azula Farm and I was teleported to Lindale, the Capital but now it looks different. Please tell me what to do