Alexander Bruno
24.05.22 11:38 pm
Mod FCR Full Combat Rebalance (The Witcher)
I appear to have installed the "Full Combat Rebalance" mod, but the current in the installer, I did not choose to change the combat, but only additional. mods, and there in the mod files z_FCR/armor_slots/armortypes.2da (open in notepad) there are all sorts of lines in this file and there is a MEDALION header next to TROPHY and there is a zero by default, but if you insert ones everywhere in the column, then going to game, you will have a cell for a witcher's medallion, moreover, traced (if there are no mods for the interface), I have a question, what is it. -. what is this for? (Not well, as it were, it’s clear that this is for a medallion BUT, it’s not in the game!) I tried to put something in there, but quickly abandoned it because it would take a long time to look for it and tedious.(By the way, someone tell me how to make a screen in the Witcher normally, I did it through the Yandex disk screenshoter and it’s not nice, first you need to uncheck the full screen and then if you ate open this screenshoter and it turned out, an unpleasant process)
Alexander Bruno
There are 2 such topics, I'm sorry, I thought this one was not published, I don't know how to delete it, but it can be deleted