What difficulty level do you choose?
I started going to "Warrior of the Future".Already on the first mission I can’t pass)) They kill in a second, there is no sight. It’s hard
I go to the second from the top (I don’t remember the name)))), but somehow it’s too simple. The second part was more difficult in my opinion.
I will not be average, after all, I want to remember the first impressions of the game with joy, and not with chagrin)).
From the beginning I always pass at the average level (for the purpose of familiarization), and then if I "hook" at the most difficult
Passed. "Warrior of the Future"
I'm thinking of replaying in April. I want to collect all modules and text entries.
I went through Legom and now the highest one with a minimum of murders, otherwise I’ll open the mitten and trample on nafig.)
I go to the "Veteran" (it's just hard to play without a sight, it's not customary). It remains only to kill Alpha - Ceph ...
I always go through krayzis on the most difficult.
All parts of the crises are quite easy to pass at the highest level of difficulty if you know 2 basic rules for using the suit:
1) If the enemies do not see you, then they will not be able to kill you; you should play in stealth mode (use silencers on guns + attack in stealth mode, run away or hide when the suit's energy is running out to replenish it, etc.).
2) If it happened that you were burned, it is better to turn on the defense mode and shoot back from the attackers, or just turn on the armor mode and run away.