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Stadec 05.10.22 09:29 pm

Slows down on GTX 1660

Such a misfortune, a good PC
GTX 1660 TI, ryzen 7 2700x, 16 GB of RAM, the HDD is not overloaded (a lot of space), the SSD is similar, the PSU is also in order, there are no viruses, nothing like that in background downloads either.

Far Cry 6 slows down at any settings, freezes a lot and then 60 frames more than me, everything is fine (not for long), since I have a geoforce experience, I decided to see what was happening with the computer there ..... frames / s - 60 + - frames, but frames / s 99% can be 60 + - fps and then drops sharply to 0 fps.

And I have the same problem in RDR2, only there sometimes, as the PC itself wants, it can generally play stably 60 fps in RDR2, and sometimes frames / s 99% from 60 to 0 fall.

I have already made all attempts to optimize the PC (only if I didn’t find any on the Internet)

In other games, everything is ok, please help me, I don’t know what to do.
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Pavel Rally 05.10.22

How much CPU is loaded during the game? How loaded is the video card? Temperature of the processor - video card?

Stadec 05.10.22

Pavel Rally
everything is fine with the temperature, the fact is that I played games that are more consumer-friendly than RDR2 and Far Edge 6

Stadec 05.10.22

Pavel Rally
I would understand if this is due to the heating of the iron, but I cheated it and changed the thermal paste. I watched how the same iron from other people pulls this game. I already broke my head, I just don't understand

Pavel Rally 05.10.22

You didn't write about the load, try turning off v-sync in the game and in the video driver, turn off triple buffering, turn on the power management mode, to the maximum performance mode, set the priority for the game through the task manager, close all unnecessary programs.

Palych Rokov 05.10.22

Stadec wrote:
Such a problem, the PC is good
in which place is it good with you?
Stadec wrote:
the fact is that I played games that are more consumer-friendly than RDR2 and Far Edge 6
, more demanding than RDR 2, I still need to search

In general, there can be many reasons, OS and firewood without updates, for example, poor memory strips (I hope you have it at least at 3200 and two bars in two-channel), maybe you twisted the crazy settings there, too excessive for your video. In general, you need to put msi ab and see what is where the emphasis goes

Stadec 05.10.22

Palych Rokov
You know, with the current problems of my PC, I have a good one, and there are people whose PC is not much weaker than mine (they are doing well with FC 6), it’s stupid to drag OS and firewood because I’m not mentally retarded and update everything as soon as updates come out , 3200 memory sticks are both (normal), I wrote that with ANY setting, even if I play in a square window on Low settings, the hardware passes my FC 6 recommendations (including the video card), I will install msi ab about and I'll take a look.

Stadec 05.10.22

Pavel Rally
Tips they say: mess with the settings, power supply to max., production, high priority in remote sensing, and similar tips that can be found on the Internet (which I also saw EVERYTHING and tried everything). I already found all of them, and applied them, the load on the PC was optimal, I cut down absolutely everything and nothing helped. With RDR2, everything is no longer clearer, it can work normally for a long time, and then even in a square window with low settings it starts to lag.

01001000 01101001 05.10.22

Bran HD textures. If we are talking about a license - cut down all unnecessary chips and uplay overlays.
RDR2 clears physical and video memory on the go, where stability on DX12 is worse than on a volcano. This is quite a normal occurrence.
Far edge 6 suffers the same, the engine is old, especially in some distant (mountainous) areas, for some reason, yes, it sometimes slips. Reddit is full of tips on stability and robotic headlights. In particular, use fast sync in the nvidia panel, and disable it in the game settings (vertical).
Stadec wrote:
3200 memory sticks are both (normal)
Kingstons the same "normal", but in fact concrete slag. And this slag is bought. About what your subjective opinion of "normality" does not speak.
You need to change the processor, you take 5600 ryzen for 9-10 thousand, 2700X is weak for games against the background of the 5000 ryzen series. If I were you, I would have changed it a long time ago, leave the memory like that, for the 5000 it is not as critical as for the 1000 and 2000 series of ryzens.

And google your problem, there were a lot of posts here. I passed, there were some difficulties, but not to such an extent. The game is still the same.

Denis Kyokushin 05.10.22

With such problems, it is desirable to shoot a video with monitoring and post it with all the necessary indicators. I tested and deleted this call