We put eng-voice acting and Russian. subtitles
If that I have a piratepurely offhand:
1. leave Russian_xml.pak and English.pak in the Localization folder
2. Rename English.pak to Russian.pak
3. set Language=russian in the codex.ini file
ATP, it worked)) I didn’t find the codex file, so the videos still have Russian voice acting ((
I just saved it in a different place through Total Commander and then replaced
the fact that I did as tesla707 said, even changed the crack from ALI213 to CODEX to register, but the videos are still in English.
how to do it right, who knows?
English voice acting (including videos) and Russian subtitles:
1. Leave Russian_xml.pak and English.pak in the Localization folder
2. Rename Russian_xml.pak to English_xml.pak
3. Set Language=english in the codex.ini file (ALI213.ini)
There is Russian voice acting in the gameplay, and English in the videos. How can I fix the voice acting in videos? Tried everything I could, didn't help. REVOLT tablet