VltEd - how to set up bots?
How to make bots harder / easier? I set different SkillLvl values ​​in the characters, nothing changed... I also changed the values ​​of the aggression skill, there were also no changes in the behavior of the bots... which tab is directly responsible for the behavior of the bots? I couldn't find anything on the Internet to explain something somewhere...1 Comments
I'll answer for myself, just in case it helps someone. Apparently the AI ​​in the game is averaged, there is no specific skill. SkillLvl values ​​are only responsible for the strength of "catching up" bots. If the skill is set to 0, then the bots start to lag behind a little more and do not catch up as much at point-blank range as with skill 100, when the bot crashes into the wall and should fall behind by half a circle-circle, but after a few seconds it is already behind you. Tested with bridge vanted, carbon and prostreet (they all have the same database).