problems after updating fifa 15 with moddingway (FIFA 15)
The problem is following after updating the latter in fifa 15, all patches and a career from moddingway flew off, after which I demolished fifa installed everything from the first version, but I include database 6.0 in the selector (modding) and generally any, I have all the compositions working in online mode, that is, the matchday works, but the compositions are all from a simple database, and of course I can’t continue my career, the file is damaged, does anyone have any ideas and has anyone encountered such a problem? it's just not clear why the database itself does not work 6.0 , I put matrix?b anyway, the compositions are the same online and with simple skills. -1.9.0(all in one), 2.0.0, 2.0.2 install and install using -BH-Editor-FI...ddet/id/10