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the illest villain 21.11.19 03:34 am

The language in the dialogues (Dragon Age: Origins)

Welcome! Perhaps someone knows what the problem is.
Voice and subtitles in the game are Russian, but sometimes the phrases in the dialogues in English. As you know the language, and can casually to someone to get nasty or something like that) Or miss an interesting thread. After a time everything is back to normal, and then again.
As always places on the map in English and some descriptions of items. If incomplete interpretation. Was looking for a solution, but did not see anyone complaining about it.
And Gog version and Repack.
Tell me, please.
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BorodaOLD 21.11.19

I had even worse - sometimes the characters did not speak his dialogues. For myself solved this problem so - lowered sound quality in Windows settings to the default. You can also try to disable the games option forced the sound of something there, if enabled.The sound BLASTER X-FI XTREMEGAMER. if does not help - then such a high-quality localization. I in the original play, so XS.

the illest villain 21.11.19

I'm probably not quite clearly described in the text, phrases are selected in the dialogues. A Persian tells them in Russian. If the game periodically forgets that it exposed Russian text.

Nikel2 21.11.19

the illest villain
Had that a couple times,but usually the text was Russian and spoke English,or spoke Russian one,and the text and the answer options very different,it was rare and usually do not interfere with play