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DEDGAMER 21.11.19 03:54 am

How to quickly kill the boar? (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)

How to kill a boar that stinks and emits puffs of poison ?
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Kot1 Kot1 21.11.19

White bear +explosive arrows(they need the ability to access a very useful thing) your health is not spent, Yes there is more gain for prirucnik animals(the engraving on the armor) I somehow pigs nebylo(((

Sargarus 21.11.19

Also looking for a bug with this theme but not found everywhere out of battle. It is necessary to try.
In General, without treatment, went to half HP, then not stupid enough HP. All bumps will not avoid.
The wild boar is not dangerous but his pigs are prevented.

ArXangel_ann 21.11.19

Elementary beats the wild boar archery, the main oborote not to fall in the poisonous area, or quickly out of it to pop up. Gear for + health for damage is highly recommended. And the stronger the beast can also be tamed, at least he's partially to keep a boar for yourself.
If it is about the first pig, the cave is generally just. Most importantly, do not kill small, which he calls. It is at their expense health Regenerist.

xolok 21.11.19

And I'm using the other bug is in the cave held)At the 10th level him showed up.Runs into the cave.On the left there will be a deepening angle in the rock.Runs there.Boar,if it strongly not to offend(enhanced attacks,for example) stupidly runs at you but not hit. Kotaete it calmly arrows.And here is the important point.Need to remember with how many HP he begins to call pigs.I count arrows fired were estimated(by the way, need to stock up on wood,so the boom is not over).And now,instead of waiting for this moment, we still need to get out of the corner and cutting him,only closer to the output,otherwise it may run off that pigs then notice.As soon as I run to call the pigs just run to the end of the cave.Waiting for when the pigs come running around the boar and calmly shoot them(they can't see us).Shot down again,running in the coveted area.All,more a matter of technique.But,the method with the ridge,of course,much easier)

Vlados1976 17.07.20

I read that somewhere in the cave there is a crack or a stone where you can hide and he won't get swept the entire cave, I can not find a can somebody tell me?

Omikronos 20.08.21

Easy pizi. Persian level 16, Game level Nightmare. For melee, the skills are poisonous blow and second wind, for long-range deadly shot. At the beginning, you approach the boar (you turn on the poisonous blow) and mutuzish him into the bochin, replenishing the rage, the rage at maximum speed turns on the destructive shot all 4 times. And so on until the first stream of kids. After that, you take the boar away from the children and agress him with a bow, dodge and immediately close combat into the bochin until the rage replenishes. Full rage, disastrous shot. Do not forget to include the poison strike for melee and for shots. If the children come close, you go to the opposite part and so on until you kill him. Everything about everything is 5 minutes maximum, the main thing is not to touch the kids, but only provoke the boar with arrows and dodge in time.