torlook covered himself with a copper basin (there was such a convenient torrent search engine) is there any similar alternative.saa0891
saa0891 wrote:
torlook covered himself with a copper basin (there was such a convenient torrent search engine) ... I
apologize for being stupid, but why do we need a torrent search engine? Is it inconvenient to add trusted trackers to browser bookmarks and download from there?
SonyK_2 There are a
lot of sites, when you are looking for something, you need to go to each one and search, and through torlook you just drive in what you need and it gives out a bunch of links, and even those torrents that you did not know about, but those that you use then what you need may not be, it is especially useful when you are looking for something rare, and many times more convenient and faster, you immediately see the quality of the video on all links.
saa0891 wrote:
...useful when looking for something rare, and many times more convenient and faster, you immediately see the quality of the video on all links.
By this principle, you can use DC ++ programs. There, in the search, you can set different parameters - the results show the size of the downloaded file, type, number of distributors, etc. And these will not be links / torrents, but directly the files themselves stored on the computers of other users.