Cheats - good or bad?
Cheats - good or bad?______________________
who thinks?
For a single-player game, everyone decides for himself, but in multiplayer, for example, in CS, against !!!
I think it’s possible if you don’t interfere with others, but rather amuse them, arrange some new game mode with the help of cheats (on your own server, well, or on someone else’s if the players allow it), then it won’t be bad. Although cheats are BAD for developers who will pour money into anti-cheats to ban cheaters who harm players. In general, whether this is good or bad depends on the player.
cheats are bad!
my eyes would not have seen them ...
many games passed with cheats, no pleasure from the game :(
Cheats are good when you need to raise money, but it takes a lot of time. And some kind of immortality - fu-fu-fu
Denis Kyokushin
so it is.
I'm saying cheats are bad.
especially when he cheated 100,500 lyams of game currency. :)
and immortality is not relevant everywhere.
When you know that you will still earn money by performing the same actions, spending game hours on it, and there is not enough time, then it’s quite normal and cheat