The best remake of a game you've ever played
What is the best remake of a game you've ever played?
For me it's probably Frogger 97 and the recent Demon's Souls.
dead space
Resident Evil 2
These are probably the best remakes worthy of their original predecessors, where the developers have done a really colossal job for which you want to pay, I think a remake of Resident Evil 4 will fall into this list anyway.
How I would like to see the remakes of MGS 1-3 (there is, of course, a remake of the first part, but I want it on a new engine, with normal controls and an adequate camera like in MGS 4.5) at the same level, I would exchange a bunch of games for these three remakes.
probably the demon souls and the shad of the colossus. Haven't played the original games on PeKa. I decided to go through and there I especially liked the remakes of the Shadov of the Colossus, in part I probably would have run to Peck myself. but initially I had a superficial idea about these games, because they were perceived by me as independent games. I didn't compare them to the originals. Haven't played any of the other remakes.
Grandfather Spas 2023 for now. This game brought me back to the distant 2008 and gave me the same emotions. And so, with the release of the fourth Resident, I'm sure this remake will be the best.
It's a hat!
better to replay in origu!
there are some moments in the remake that discourage the desire to play
Which? Is it really the changed appearance of the heroes, transgender signs near the toilets and posters on the walls with blacks and Asians?
In terms of gameplay, this is the same grandfather, expanded in places. The graph is top notch. The sound is awesome. From the technical and gameplay side, there is nothing to complain about. And the agenda is not at all aggressively served, but extremely unobtrusively, which you will not meet now. I would not have paid attention to these transgender signs or posters if they had not been written about.
The best remake of a game you've played?
For me it's probably Frogger 97 and the recent Demon's Souls.