The Sorcerer on the Plateau
Plato... The gate in the wall... Я... languish... by the water's surface...
Can anyone tell me where this place is? Walked all over the plateau for 2 hours through all the reservoirs and never found one
Spoileryou must first descend the plateau, break rocks to get the water out, then climb the opening passage
What follows the completion of this quest? There's just four eyes to throw down and fetch. Is the reward even worth it? Because the quest looks really long.
The quest is very tedious, in fact, like the whole game.
SpoilerReward the opportunity to buy a jacket with the resistance of the filth
"Pluck cry, tedious game, pluck cry. Never mind that it has to be the last of the sorcerers for the set from the miasms)
This doesn't stop the game from being soulful. All according to the covenants of Jubiosoft: outposts, towers, outposts in the sky, outposts under the ground. They tried to make a Yelden ring, but it turned out to be an assassin
Found it! In general, if you stand on the plateau, you go down the path to the edge of the plateau, there is also a fault in the caverns - there is a big lake, and at the bottom of the plateau you can break rocks - you break them, the water goes away and this head is at the bottom lying around
I also ran for two hours and did not find ... only I got these words at the plateau in the temple, and you have a different place on the skin ...