Looking for a browser utility, script or plugin
Hello, there's a need to "blur" a certain area of the screen in the YouTube player, or apply some kind of opaque oval, rectangle, etc. To hide the ads that are embedded in the video. Tried to find some kind of browser plugin, but I couldn't find anything. Please be kind enough to share if anyone knows something like this exists.
What's not to like about sponsorblock?
Blocks ads in the video itself.
Thank you. This plugin cut the commercial break, so to speak, by timing. Is there any way to get the corner in the player covered? There's always an emblem and the name of something spinning in the top corner.
For example in this video.
Spoiler alerthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKR97whGdA0
The ads in the middle of the video were "cut off" by the sponsor block, thank you again. But in the upper right corner, the GetX logo appears from time to time.
And one more question. If it's a script, do I need some sort of script manager to make it work?
Aahhhh you mean this ad symbol
No unfortunately, this will not be implemented with a script that would remove it all in real time.
The only option, which can be done is to overlay a picture with adjustable transparency. But that's kinky.
As more so this picture will be in all YouTube videos.
Here is an example
Yes, that's the one. Too bad there's no other way than overlaying a picture on top of it. I guess I'll have to manually turn it on and off so it doesn't work on other videos.
What program or plugin did you use to achieve what's in the screenshot?