How do you make syringes not break?
This issue arose when creating the Biting Zombie. If you shoot a zombie in the head, it won't die, but the syringe will shatter. I searched the internet for mods or something similar. I have not found anything. Can you help?
Thank you in advance)
.You know. At least I'm trying and wanting to get out of the situation, and I have the will. It's not weird stuff, it's imagination and skill. At least do something, then say something.
Well, it's clear that you're just a beginner and I'm not going to go into 308 programs, ask Uncle Uncle Uncle he's a master at this.
That's it?! And that's just plundering and adding a couple of objects. Master of fucks. Do something yourself first, without any help from other people. Take it and do it completely yourself. Then say something. Critic couch potato. I'm asking for help. Instead of helping me, you call me a novice and a dumbass when you haven't done a damn thing yourself. Yeah, what's the world coming to?